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        Coffee with

        THE DEAN

                                                     Dr. Sreethi Nair

                                                     Dean, College of Arts and Science

        A virtual meet was organized on Oct 7th from 2:00 – 3:00 pm with Dean, Dr. Sreethi Nair, at
        the helm. Her energetic personality, interactive and dynamic nature were the highlights of
        this meet. While the meet was memorable, Ms. Tarteel, our academic tutor did a good job of
        adding her own twist on the show with a little bit of humor and some interesting games. The
        meet brought to limelight the fabulous efforts of all our 104 peer tutors and 47 peer mentors.
        ASC classifies them as College of Arts and Sciences royalty!

        Click here to watch the meet.

        The meet ended with a wonderful surprise from Dr. Sreethi where she gave away a coffee
        voucher to all the attendees!

        Ms. Beena Vijayan | ASC Coordinator - AD Campus

        Abu Dhabi University | Academic Success Center Highlights                                          Fall 2021
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