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        START TO 2021-22

        If 2020 was the year for staying home, then 2021 is not much different.
        Academic Success Center is already on the ADU radar for its innovative approach to student
        success and is now taking it a step further with the help of the growing technology. It is hard
        to imagine the process of tutoring taking place online, but we at the ASC have made it work.

        ASC is now aiming to change the course of its operations in terms of how its services are fueled.
        We aim to grow through utilizing all the digital technology at our disposal. We are on a quest
        to optimize our services to serve the student community in every area and requirement.

        To both continue to meet the needs of students and to keep the center fresh and engaging
        for both the students, faculty, and staff alike, ASC is constantly being scaled up.

                             Ms. Beena Vijayan
                             ASC Coordinator – AD Campus

        Abu Dhabi University | Academic Success Center Highlights                                          Fall 2021
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