Page 6 - ASC Highlights
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        A hush had fallen over the campus – corridors and passageways that used to be busy with the
        usual footfall of students, instructors and staff were empty; the steady stream of conversations
        and greetings were replaced by eerie silence –where had everyone gone? Why the silence?

        I am sure no-one needs to be re-reminded of those stark early days of Spring Semester when
        our world turned topsy-turvy so unexpectedly. Like all other ADU services, the Academic
        Success Center (ASC) also had to find new ways of offering its services.

        So, in the spirit of 2020, the ASC also went fully online. With the support and dedication of
        our hard-working Academic Tutors, Course Assistants, Peer Tutors and Peer Mentors, we also
        turned to Microsoft Teams (our knight in white armor) to deliver our tutoring services. And
        ever since that memorable semester, ASC has continued to offer its tutoring in a hybrid mode
        – online as well as face to face in our physical spaces. Check us out some time.

        And if you are on Al-Ain Campus, come and see our beautiful new home – come and take a
        session, pop in and talk to our Academic Tutors, attend one of our programs, or better still,
        join us as a volunteer.

                             Ms. Deenaz Kanji
                             ASC Coordinator – AA Campus

        Abu Dhabi University | Academic Success Center Highlights                                          Fall 2021
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