Page 12 - ASC Highlights
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        Where Leaders are Made…..



        Once the learning stops, the growing stops, and I can guarantee you that at the ASC, the
        learning never stops. We have a strong cohort of experienced student mentors who are striving
        every day to help their peers. In the process, they are always adding to their repertoire of
        skills to ensure that they can deliver to their utmost potential. They are constantly upskilling
        themselves, so they can offer the best support to their peers.  As a peer mentor, you go full
        circle. You do your courses, and you are constantly staying up to date with all the resources
        and activities, so you can assist your mentees and channel their efforts to achieve academic
        success. Peer mentors at the ASC do not simply leave with an experience certificate but rather
        a cartload of experiences that will help them navigate the professional environment in a way
        that helps them and empower the people they work with too.  Who does not love a team
        mate you can learn from!

                             Ms. Tarteel Jaafar Mohamed Salih
                             Academic Tutor – AA Campus

        Abu Dhabi University | Academic Success Center Highlights                                          Fall 2021
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