Page 33 - ADU Voice Volume 4 Issue 1
P. 33


       She furthermore encouraged current ADU students to
       take on diverse elective subjects including those from
       the  business school, with the additional course, titled
       Principles of Marketing,  enabling her to enrich her
       writing skills in the context of the business world.

       “The field of a journalist is different to marketing…
                           [but] they’re both related,” she  it is to start trying to work during one’s degree.
                           said,  emphasizing    how    the
                           diversity of  her ADU course  “Start your career when you are still an ADU
 “You need to be           plan set herself up for future  student: believe me, it works, ” she exclaimed.

                           success as a marketing executive.
                                                             In the current job market, where there is
 stable and have           As well as starting her own  intense competition and every person is out for

                           business in future, Hassouneh  themselves, finding a job can be challenging,
 faith”                    hopes to become “a woman  especially for recent graduates lacking experience.
                                                             As such, our interviewee believes it is essential for
                           Her vision of leadership involves  ADU students to begin their careers as early as
    - Sara Hassouneh       mentoring    and    empowering    possible through “volunteer” work, “part-time”
                           those around her, a process she  employment, extra “internships”, or “freelance” jobs.
                           began during her student life,
                           as she uplifted her close friends  It is a vast mixture of influencing factors that
                           and fellow ADU graduates. made  Sarah  Hassouneh  into the  competent
                                                             social media  and content  marketer  she  is  today.
       One of which is Summer Margani, a Sudanese
       woman who now also works in the marketing  Starting off with only her inherent drive, ambition,
       field. Hassouneh conveyed the importance of  and perseverance, Hassouneh was then nurtured by
       women rising up as roles models, to be proud  the careful guidance of her diligent ADU mentors, and
       of their backgrounds, and to grow together.  the helpful course content offered by the university.

       “I    push    her    and    support    [her],   [as]  Her determination to pursue postgraduate study as
       she     supports    me…      I’m    very    lucky…”   she forged a full-time career in the media, all while
       When asked about advice for current ADU students,  aiding others to achieve their own dreams, is a true
       Hassouneh  could  not  stress  enough  how  important testament to her insatiable ambition and leadership.  ■
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