Page 38 - ADU Voice Volume 4 Issue 1
P. 38
38 • • • FALL 2024
Wellness Office offers its students. through continual improvement.
From the constant availability of gym Our office administration smooths the
equipment to the fields and courts that path for our athletes. From scheduling,
were designed specifically to fulfill transportation, coaching, uniforms, event
students and coaches’ needs, ADU planning, tournaments, away games and
provides students with a strong foundation practice sessions we really do it all to ensure
for achievng sporting excellence. our fine athletes can reach their potential.
Practice sessions are carefully planned ADU Sport’s ability to empower our
and picked out to suit the members’ hectic students was manifested visibly through
schedules, ensuring they don’t overlap with the progress of one of our rising basketball
any of their academic or personal endeavors. stars Suleiman Gana, who told ADU Voice:
“Graduating from this university is the
Team members assemble and arrange tight result of innumerable hours spent in the
yet productive timetables that aid in the gym, late nights spent studying, and the
team’s victories during the final stages of steadfast encouragement of my coaches and
competitions. teammates.
From scoring the goal to celebrating the “[Graduating ADU] represents so much
team’s win; it’s all part of the victorious more than just receiving a degree. This
explorative journey in a student’s life. place provided me a family, but basketball
taught me self-control, tenacity, and
Notably, a key virtue of the ADU sports the strength of a team. I will take these
teams’ approach is the fact that optimism lessons and these experiences with me as
is emphasized, regardless of the result: I begin the next chapter of my life, knowing
all ADU athletes push through losses, that no matter where I go, I’ll always be a
and drive towards future success part of something bigger.”