Page 30 - ADU Voice Volume 4 Issue 1
P. 30

30              • • •  FALL 2024
                                                                                                                                   meter  is  held  securely  in  the  grasp  of  a  strong  hand  and  within  reach  is  the  faint  wind
             into  life.  I  watch  in  silence,  as  ladybugs  and  caterpillars  greedily  munch  away  at  anything             and  even  faint  noise.  She  glances  at  a  particular  Sarah  Lee  and  realizes  that  the  Ferris
             they find. I gaze bashfully as the birds and bees tenderly make love under the shade of leaves.                       wheel,  which  stood  stationary  and  still  for  countless  years,  is  now  moving  and  is  slowly
                                                                                                                                   turning  in  a  clockwise  direction.  This  shape  frustrates  Asil  as  well,  and  far  too  easily
                                                               Days  turned  into  nights  turned  into  morning.                  she  moves  in  a  forward  manner    after  feeling  the  urge  before  she  regrets  this  feeling.
                                                               And  one  day,  I  felt  a  familiar  sensation  on
                                                               my  bark  –  a  leaf,  alive  and  fresh!  I  basked                Actually, Asil’s heart is not beating because of her illness, but for another reason. Stony-eyed,
                                                               in  the  sun›s  glory,  nurturing  it.  More  leaves                Asil scanned the entire room for the source of the noise. Unfortunately, she was unable to rid
                                                               grew,  and  I  tended  them  with  vigilance.                       herself  of  the  irrational  but  overpowering  compulsion  that  made  her  lean  in  even  closer.
                                                               It took many, many suns and moons, but slowly,                      The  whole  wonderful  construction  seemed  to  be  humming  with  something  almost  alive  and
                                                               very slowly, I was beginning to grow back my                        almost  electric,  even  though  there  was  no  person  manning  Low›s  wheel.  With  that  in  mind,
                                                               lost  treasures.  And  there  I  stood  one                         she  took  care  of  herself  using  it  for  its  intended  purpose;  only  a  head  out  hand  embraced
                                                               day,  festooned  with  blooms  and  leaves,                         as  any  movement  she  stepped  closer,  but  the  Ferris  wheel  remained  empty,  haunting.
                                                               crowned  with  birds  and  bees,  more  beautiful
                                                               than  ever.  It  did  take  a  lot  of  patience,
                                                               perseverance, and faith, but it was all worth it.

                                                               Now, I stand strong, knowing I can regrow myself
                                                               if I perish again. I’ll endure life’s blows with                    3rd: “Perfection”
                                                               dignity and patience, regrowing more beautiful
                                                               each time. The wind may howl, but I’ll rise anew.                   WRITTEN BY: MARAM ADHAM KAHEL (1098175) (AA Campus)

           A.A RUNNERS UP!                                                                                                                  nder  the  dappled  shade  of

                                                                                                                                            olive trees, in a field kissed
                                                                                                                                    Uby  the  sun,  an  elderly  man
            2nd: “Asil›s Silent Journey”                                                                                            bent down to pour water into a simple

                                                                                                                                    bowl  for  his  loyal  companion.  The
                                                                                                                                    dog,  a  symbol  of  unspoken  loyalty,
            WRITTEN BY: ASIL SALAH HASSAN (1100021) (AA Campus)                                                                     lapped  up  the  water  gratefully,  its
                                                                                                                                    tail  wagging  gently.  They  shared
                                                                                                                                    a  bond  forged  through  years  of
                                                                                                                                    companionship  in  these  very  fields,
                     t the end of the jetty, a diabetic young lady                                                                  where  the  man  had  toiled  and  the
                     named  Asil  is  seated  on  the  boulders  as  she                                                            dog  had  wandered  by  his  side.
             Astares  at  the  sun  going  down  and  the  wheel,
             which  is  still  appearing  from  beneath  the  horizon.
             The  colourful  plague  of  diabetes  has  been  treating                                                              The  olive  trees  had  witnessed  it  all-their  quiet  companionship,  the  rhythm  of
             Asil  quite  poorly  and  every  evening  keeps  bringing                                                              daily  life,  and  the  silent  understanding  between  them.  For  the  man,  the  land  was  a
             her  back  to  this  very  almost  exact  location.  The                                                               source  of  sustenance,  a  life  of  hard  work  and  patience.  For  the  dog,  it  was  home,
             sugar, or as it is insulin and dreams of the day when                                                                  a  place  of  freedom  and  care,  but  most  importantly,  a  place  beside  its  master.
             everything fits within a time zone and about two walls
             away, the very globe of the planet surrounds her body.                                                                 Though  the  days  were  long  and  the  work  was  hard,  the  man  found  joy  in  these  simple
                                                                                                                                    moments. He didn›t have much by way of wealth, but he knew what it meant to be rich in the
             As  the  sun  rises,  so  does  the  pain  in Asil’s  belly:  a                                                        things that mattered: loyalty, love, and the beauty of living in harmony with the world around
             physical warning of high or low blood sugar. Her glucose                                                               him.  His  dog  was  more  than  just  a  companion;  it  was  a  reminder  that  no  matter  how  small
                                                                                                                                    the  gestures-like  sharing  water  on  a  hot  day-true  friendship  and  care  made  life  meaningful.
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