Page 32 - ADU Voice Volume 4 Issue 1
P. 32

32              • • •  FALL 2024


              o be  a  university  student  is to  often  feel  aligned  with people’s needs and preferences.
              trepidation  by the hastily approaching  “When you are posting something, it might work in this
       Tfuture;  however, when one reads the  story  month, but next are Product, Price, Promotion, Place,
       of Sara  Hassouneh, the  leading  lady  of digital  and People — the social media executive stressed the
       marketing,  a sense of inspiration  overcomes.  importance People and knowing your target audience.

       Ms. Hassouneh, an  accomplished  ADU alumna  “[This allows you to] know the ways you need to
       from the graduating class of 2015, has had an  post the content  differently
       exciting  and  diverse  career  in  the  marketing  world.  from  the  competitors,”
                                                             Ms       Hassouneh        said.
       Starting  with a sales role at  a software company                                      “You need to be
       in  Abu Dhabi, Ms. Hassouneh’s trajectory  has  “You must be smart  with
       continuously  grown upwards over  the  years,  your words and direct  them
       with her recently landing in the prominent role as  in the right way,” she added,       stable and have
       Marketing Executive  for Legal  Circle  in Dubai.     emphasizing the importance of
                                                             being completely and elegantly
       Despite  having  to return to her homeland  of  understood by your viewership.                         faith”
       Palestine for seven years, she diligently  honed all
       her skills, day and night, never letting  her dream  Reflecting  on  her  time  in
       of an illustrious, international  career  escape her.  university, Ms Hassouneh                - Sara Hassouneh
                                                             expressed    the   extent   to
       “You     need     to    be    stable    and     have  which     she    missed    the
       faith,”   Ms     Hassouneh     told   ADU      Voice  professors     who     shaped
                                                             her     into    the    person     she     is    now.
       Social media is a powerful yet complex tool that Ms
       Hassouneh   harnesses  everyday in her  marketing role.  In particular, she acknowledged Dr.  Viola,  a
                                                             well-respected    Assistant   Professor   of   Mass
       She likens it to a “game” or “a puzzle” that          Communication,  who taught  her the  caption
        one must solve as they become attuned to  writing  and journalistic  techniques  she now
       online platforms’ constantly evolving trends. uses everyday for her work on social media.

       Essentially, the cycle of social media trends dies  Professor of Mass Communication,  who taught  her
       out  fast,  and  as  a  marketer,  she  has  to  be  agile  the caption writing and journalistic  techniques she
       and constantly  aware  of what is in and what isn’t  now uses everyday  for her work on social  media.
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