Page 28 - ADU Voice Volume 4 Issue 1
P. 28

28               • • •  FALL 2024

           “A Snapshot of Chaos”                                                                                                   When taking this photo, the first feelings that consumed me were wonder, longing, and pride. I
                                                                                                                                   was  overlooking  my  country’s  outstretched  boarder  as  it  touches  the  sea  and  kisses  the  sky.
                                                                                                                                   This  view  is  hugged  by  cedar  trees,
                                                                                                                                   their  pines  ever  so  visible,  creating  a
           WRITTEN BY: BUSHRA MOHAMMED ALI (1094356) (AA Campus)                                                                   striking  image  of  our  Lebanese  identity
                                                                                                                                   where  we  take  pride  by  our  cedar  lands
                                                                                                                                   and  Mediterranean  Sea,  our  captivating

                                                           tumbling  upon  an  old  Polaroid  today,  long                         nature  and  heaven  touching  mountains.
                                                           buried in a forgotten drawer for years, felt like                       This  view  captured  my  soul,  so  naturally
                                                     Sunlocking a time capsule, instantly unleashing a                             I  had  to  freeze  it  in  time.  I  don’t  visit  my
                                                      flood of memories. Memories of being the youngest                            country often, for that it’s soil, water, and sky
                                                      in the chaos, that was my childhood. There they were,                        call out for me every so often and the sense of
                                                      my two elder brothers, standing tall and proud as if they                    freedom overlaps me when I am being hugged
                                                      hadn’t spent most of their childhood conspiring against                      by its air. In the photo you can see how the
                                                      me. Don’t let their innocent faces fool you. If pranking                     nature twirls around the land and how the sea
                                                      little sister was a sport, these two would have won gold.                    touches the soil, ever so gentle and always
                                                                                                                                   mesmerizing. Being born Lebanese puts you
                                                      They kept me out of their football games and terrified                       in a tornado of emotions from constant spur
                                                      me  with  date  seeds,  which  I  was  convinced  were                       of  events  happening  in  the  country  which
                                                      insects. Honestly, it wasn’t all bad. Sure, I was the                        makes  us  like  a  rising  Phoenix,  burning,
                                                      easiest target, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t part of                        dying, but always coming back to life to live,
                                                      their chaotic world. We had our moments, those rare                          to love, and to continue going forward. When
                                                      occasions  when  they’d  let  me  crash  their  fun. Yet,                    we are met with such instances, we always
                                                      on  most  days,  they’d  bribe  me  with  treats  to  keep                   turn back to look at our identity, our ethereal
                                                      me from tagging along for football. On their more                            land that we belong to and the sky that we
                                                      creative days, they spun scary stories about little girls                    look up to, at the sea that we take pride in and
                                                      getting kidnapped, all to ensure I stayed safely away.                       the nature that we envelope ourselves into. For that this photo, for me, has captured everything I am
                                                                                                                                   and will always be, a proud Lebanese and a rising Phoenix that is always so strong and resilient.
           And  here’s  me  with  my  “twin”  on  a  ride,  my  brother  who  looks  so  much  like  me  that
           everyonethought we were twins, even though we disagreed. Of course, I couldn’t enjoy the ride
           alone; I had to be “supervised.” Not that he cared about my safety; he just wanted to squeeze
           in next to me and ensure my fun was thoroughly ruined. Classic elder brother moves, right?

           The  last  photo  speaks  for  itself.  I’m  the  only  one  smiling,  while  my  brothers                              3rd :“ Hope Revives All”
           look  as  serious  as  ever.  Now,  surprisingly,  over  the  years,  we  managed  to  fit
           together  in  the  same  frame,  with  all  three  of  us  smiling.  Our  bond  is  stronger  than                      WRITTEN BY: MARIYA THARANNUM (1086788) (AD Campus)
           ever,  built  on  love,  laughter,  and  memories  that  even  a  date  seed  couldn’t  break.

                                                                                                                                       stand now on deserted ground, left barren  And where once there flew birds and butterflies
                                                                                                                                       and bereft. All that color, all that fragrance  and bees atop my crown, eating from my fruits
           A.D RUNNERS UP!                                                                                                             that  I  grew  from  my  own  flesh,  now  and  nectar,  singing  sweet  songs,  there  is  now
                                                                                                                                   snatched  away  by  that  evil,  evil  creature.  The  silence. Screaming, piercing silence. Some days
                                                                                                                                   wind!  She  ripped  away  my  treasures,  leaving  I cry, some days I howl. Other days, I just...exist.
           2nd:“From the Sea to the                                        his captivating picture was taken                       me scarred. She did all this, without feeling an  Standing still, unnoticed. Over the span of time,

                                                                           in  Lebanon  in  the  courtyard
           Sky: The Heart Calls”                                    Tof  Harissa  Maronite  Catholic                               ounce of pity.  She laughed, high and shrill, as  this particular activity developed into a habit. I
                                                                                                                                   she  tore  away  each  flower  like  needles  being  discovered that I rather like the quiet. Like being
                                                                     Church  where  the  statue  “Our  Lady  of                    plucked.  Like  the  devil  having  shattered  the  a mere observer, without interfering with nature.
                                                                     Lebanon” is overlooking the city of Beirut.                   dreams  of  little  children.  My  arms,  once  full  I observe sprouts, as they suddenly emerge from
           WRITTEN BY: RAYAN AL SAYED (1085628) (AD Campus)
                                                                                                                                   of blooms, now stood awkwardly bare.              their  seeds,  and  buds  as  they  slowly  unfold
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