Page 32 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 32

32  voice   · FALL 2023



                     being a mere

                     idealistic notion;
                     it is a fundamental

                     prerequisite for our
                     survival and the

                     survival of future

                     to this educational landscape. While           that sustainability transcends being
                     it has increased the accessibility of          a mere idealistic notion; it is a funda-
                     information, it has also given rise to         mental prerequisite for our survival
                     oversimplification and politicization          and the survival of future generations.
                     of the topic. Renowned architectural           Reassessing  our  values,  acquiring
                     theorist and urbanist, Rem Koolhaas,           knowledge,  and  fostering  collabora-
                     laments the current state of sustain-          tion is imperative in finding practical
                     ability, perceiving it as an ornament          solutions  that  address  the  intercon-
                     overshadowed  by  political  agendas.          nectedness  of  social,  economic,  and

                     To truly progress, we must strive for a        environmental sustainability. Only
                     deeper and more nuanced understand-            through such efforts can we envision
                     ing of sustainability, free from political     a long-term coexistence on this planet
                     bias.                                          and create a future that is sustain-
                         As we contemplate the challenges           able and worth passing on to future
                     we  confront,  it  becomes  apparent           generations.
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