Page 3 - ADU Voice
P. 3
ChaNge iN
As children, we went about our lives without
a single worry in the world - experiencing the
juvenile joys of simply existing in a world void of Others simply grow accustomed to the person
all responsibilities, regrets, and consequences. they know themselves as, whether they went
A number of us have had the luxuries of life about life looking at the glass half-full, half-
handed to us on a silver platter, growing up empty, or a glass that contains water and it is
with a sense of dependency in fear of what the a scary feeling to be rebirthed into a being that
universe has in store for humanity. Meanwhile, lacks the familiarity of what made you who you
some of us went through many lifetimes at are today.
such a young age, learning the horrors of the This can be a good thing, though, as a scenario
world and developing certain skills that allowed to be considered is becoming a better version
us to survive; they provided us with a sense of of yourself. How you do not change entirely, but
security from any and all internal or external rather transform from a caterpillar which has
factors that could trigger a fight/flight response, spent time in a cocoon, maybe even more so
depending on how guarded and paranoid one than others, until you sprout your majestically
may be. None of us realized it, at the time, but, colored wings. Such an ethereal rebirth can
eventually, the hands of time would catch up to happen in an instant that you may be ecstatic
us. We were about to enter a dimension of new the second the realization hits you; it can also
experiences capable of changing us for better be incredibly fitting when you do not even
or worse. notice it until a few days later. In both cases, the
first thought that may come to mind is that "Oh,
When it comes to the topic of change, whether change is scary!" believing that you are going
it be moving to a new country or even a to become an entirely different person and just
mere nudge outside an individual’s comfort feel more lost than ever, probably even sinking
zone, people cannot control the tsunami of deeper into the pit that life has dug for you.
anxiousness and stress that accompanies the Nonetheless, the best part about this process is
tornado of shifting certain routines or lifestyles. acknowledging how fulfilled you want to be and
It is understandable, at first, for a being to adapt working on that. One day, you will wake up and
to change is easier said than done. What makes notice that your mood and attitude towards the
it worthwhile, however, is the exhilarating breath world’s beauties or destructions are different
of a new mindset, attitude, environment, and so - your thought process and interpretation of
much more that give life a new meaning. Now, certain objects, people, scenarios, almost all will
each individual - each soul - has a different idea be just as enlightening.
on the concept of change; some of us refuse to Sure, there are days when you relapse into
step outside this bubble we create as a shield certain self-destructive, impulsive behaviors
against the suffering that comes with life’s that feel foreign, yet ever so friendly and