Page 2 - ADU Voice
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Editor’s Note

        ADU  Voice  is  a  platform  for  students  to  express  their  creative  side,
        showcase  their  artistic  talent  and  most  importantly,  voice  out  their
        concerns and discuss pressing issues in our community. That’s precisely
        what this issue aims to cover.
        Change  is  a  constant  theme  in  our  lives  and  dealing  with  it  can  be
        overwhelming. This issue tackles the changes that came along with the
        post pandemic world. From mental health issues to academic stress
        and adjusting to a masked and precautious life. A discussion to bring
        our  community  together.

        “Your Voice has Power”                                                            Neiha Zubair Afzal
        Use it and empower yourself and others around you.

        I’m proud of this issue as it the first online copy being published. However, none of this would
        have been possible without the constant guidance from our professors, and my team.  It has been
        a great privilege to work with my team, learn from them and set our mark.

        The Student Team would like to thank Dr. Sreethi Nair, the CAS Dean, and the CAS Faculty Support
        Team for helping to make this magazine possible.

                          Student Team                                  CAS Faculty Support Team

                               Editor                                          Dr. Richa Goyal
                 Neiha Zubair Afzal - ID 1065558
                                                                               Dr. Sullay Kanu
                          Assistant Editor
              Islam Wagdy Abdelfattah - ID 1070480                            Dr. Nunna Prasad

                         Head of Writers                                    Mr. Shannon Glasgow
                      Azka Rafi - ID 1069730

                                                                               Mr. Ali Al Zeitawi
                    Abdalla Talib - ID 1072673

                          Design Team
                     Tuleen Ala'a - ID 1070162
                  Mira Abou Khalil - ID 1074290
                         Itaf - ID 1076289

        CONTACT US
        If you'd like to contribute to future issues, please contact ADU Voice on Teams.
        Please Click Here
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