Page 449 - Undergraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 449


        MTT 200 - Calculus II         other topics such as; Determinants,   in Physics I course (PHY 102) by
                                      Linear Transformations, Eigenvectors   performing landmark experiments
        Credit Hours: 3               and Eigenvalues and Diagonalizing   with emphasis on the presentation
        Prerequisite: MTT 102         Matrices. Engineering applications of   and interpretation of experimental
        This Calculus II course builds upon   linear algebra are incorporated using   data.
        Calculus I whose purpose was to   Math software available.   PHY 201 - Physics and
        establish a firm understanding of   MTT 205 - Differential Equations  Engineering Applications II
        the foundations of calculus and
        their applications. It will start with   Credit Hours: 3      Credit Hours: 3
        some functions seen in Calculus I.   Prerequisite: MTT 200      Prerequisite: PHY 102
        Then, students will be introduced   Co-requisite: MTT 204
        to the concepts of Transcendental                            The course is intended to provide
        Functions, Integration Technique,   The course aim is to provide   computer science students with
        infinite Series and power Series.  engineering students with some   sufficient understanding and
                                      standard methods to solve first order   knowledge of physics concepts in
        Through the process of working   Separable, Exact, Linear and Bernoulli   Electricity and Magnetism that can
        through application problems, the   differential equations. Construct   be relevant to their field of study.
        student will develop the ability to   mathematical models of simple   The course is divided into two parts;
        interpret and evaluate real world  physical systems. Solve higher order   Electricity and Magnetism.
                                      linear ODE’s with constant
        application problems from text form                          The topics covered are; electric
        into a mathematical equation.  coefficients. Solve ordinary linear   field, Gauss’s law, electric potential,
                                      differential equations using infinite   capacitance and dielectrics, current
        MTT 201 - Calculus III        series and Laplace transform. Solve   and resistance, direct current circuits,
        Credit Hours: 3               systems of differential equations.  magnetic fields, sources of magnetic
        Prerequisite: MTT 200         PHY 102 - Physics & Engineering   field, Faraday’s law, inductance, and
                                                                     alternating current circuits. Taken
        This course is a continuation of the   Applications I        Simultaneously with PHY 201L
        study of calculus II. The purpose was   Credit Hours: 3      (1credit hour) prerequisite PHY 102 +
        to establish a firm understanding   Prerequisite: MTT 102    PHY 201 Co-requisite.
        of multi-dimensional aspects of
        calculus and its applications. The   The course aim is to provide
        topics covered are: An introduction   computer science students with clear   PHY 201L - Physics and
        to vectors and geometry of space,   understanding of the basic concepts   Engineering Application II
        partial derivatives, and multiple   of physics. The course is divided into   Laboratory
        integrals.                    two parts: Mechanics, and Waves.
                                      The topics covered are; Units, Vectors   Credit Hour: 1
        Through the process of working   and Scalars, Kinematics, Newton’s
        through application problems, the   laws of Motion, Work and Energy,   Prerequisite: PHY 102
        student will develop the ability to   Oscillatory Motion, Wave Motion,   Co-requisite: PHY 201
        interpret and evaluate real world   Sound Waves, and Superposition of   This course is designed to help
        application problems from text form   Waves. Taken simultaneously with   students develop the ability to
        into a mathematical equation.  PHY 102L (1 credit hour) prerequisite   perform scientific experiments and
        MTT 204 - Introduction to Linear   MTT 102 + PHY 102 Co-requisite.  to enhance their understanding of
        Algebra                       PHY 102L - Physics and         theoretical material presented in
                                                                     Phy201 (Electricity and Magnetism)
        Credit Hours: 3               Engineering Applications I     by performing landmark experiments
        Prerequisite: MTT 200         Laboratory                     with emphasis on the presentation
                                                                     and interpretation of experimental
        This course is an introduction to   Credit Hours: 1          data.
        Linear Algebra and some of its   Prerequisite: MTT 102
        applications. The aim is to teach the   Co-requisite: PHY102  The student will be required to make
        fundamentals of linear algebra in a   This course is designed to help   extensive use of computer-generated
        way that illustrates their relevance   students develop the ability to   graphs and tables for displaying and
        to engineering applications. An   perform scientific experiments and   analyzing experimental data. This
        Introduction to Matrices and Systems   to enhance their understanding   will be accomplished using Excel
        of Linear Equations are given with   of theoretical concepts presented   or other spreadsheet programs of

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