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 ACC 201  Principles of Managerial Accounting  3  ACC 200 + BUS 102  MGT 406  Strategic Management  3  Last Semester only
 ECO 202  Principles of Macroeconomics  3  ENG 200 + (MTG 100 or MTT 101 or MTT 102) +   CE 2  Concentration Elective  3  -
 BUS 102    Spring
 Spring              ELECT-2  Free Elective               3                    -
 MKT 200  Principles of Marketing  3  ENG 200  (Semester 8)
 (Semester 4)        ELECT-3  Free Elective               3                    -
 FIN 200  Principles of Finance  3  ACC 200
                     ELECT-4  Free Elective               3                    -
 Technical Communications for Work
 FWS 305  3  ENG 200 + 45 CH
 Place                  Total Credit Hours                15
 Total Credit Hours  15
 Third Year (Junior)
 Code  Title  Credit  Prerequisite(s)  BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION

 BUS 301  Business Law  3  FWS 305
 MGT 308  Operations Management  3  MGT 255 + MIS 200 + BUS 204 co-requisite  WITH CONCENTRATION IN HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT -

 Fall   SIS 201  Introduction to Sustainability in   3  Co-requisite ENG 200  Study Plan
 (Semester 5)  Science
 HRM 313   Human Resources Management  3  MGT 255       Al Ain
 FWS 310  Fundamentals of Innovation and   3  ENG 200 + 60 CH
 Entrepreneurship                           First Year (Freshman)
 Total Credit Hours  15  Code           Title           Credit           Prerequisite(s)
 FWS 201  Fundamentals of Life Skills  3  FWS 100  ARL 100 (A)  Communication Skills in Arabic I   3  No Prerequisite
 BUS 306  Applied  Management Science  3  STT 100 + ECO 201 + MGT 255  IELTS average score of 6 or EMSAT average score
 Spring              ENG 200  English II                  3    of 1400 or passing grade in ENG 102;(FWS100(E) as
 HRM 315  Staffing  3  HRM 313                                       co-requisite if placed in ENG200)
 (Semester 6)
 MGT 422  Management and Leadership  3  MGT 255  Fall   ISL 100 (A)  Islamic Culture  3  No Prerequisite
 CE 1  Concentration Elective  3  -  (Semester 1)  MTG 100  Math for Life  3  No Prerequisite
 Total Credit Hours  15  FWS 100  Academic Skills for Success  3          No Prerequisite
 Students will be expected to either complete a three (3) credit internship course (MGT 399-I) during their last  year of study or take a   Introduction to Information and Digital
 project course (MGT 399-P) during their last semester. Three (3) credits are awarded for MGT 399 I/P.  ITD 100  Technology   3  No Prerequisite
                        Total Credit Hours                18
 Fourth Year (Senior)
                     FWS 205  UAE and GCC Society         3    ENG 102 + FWS 100 (E) or co-req FWS 100 (E) if in
 Code  Title  Credit  Prerequisite(s)                                       ENG 200
 HRM 404  Employee Relations  3  HRM 313  SIS 201  Introduction to Sustainability in   3  MGT 255 + MIS 200 + co-requisite    BUS 204
            Spring           Science
 MGT 402  International Business Management  3  MGT 255 + ECO 202
 Fall     (Semester 2)  FWS 211  Fundamentals of Emotional   3  ENG 102 + FWS 100 (E) or co-req FWS 100 (E) if in
 HRM 419  Training and Development (HRD)  3  HRM 313  Intelligence          ENG 200
 (Semester 7)
 MGT 399  Internship / Project in HRM  3  Consent of Department  BUS 102  Introduction to Business  3  -
 ELECT-1  Free Electives   3  -  STT 100  General  Statistics    3        No Prerequisite
 Total Credit Hours  15  Total Credit Hours               15

 Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024  Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024
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