Page 75 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 75


        3.   Coordinate the provision of specialized services,   •   Applicants should maintain full-time student status by
            furniture, equipment, or other accommodations as   taking a minimum of 12 credit hours (undergraduates)
            required.                                    and six credit hours (postgraduates) every Fall and
                                                         Spring semesters
        4.   Liaise with  the student  and other  relevant student
            service providers to ensure that where required,   •   Applicants must not engage in full-time employment
            appropriate support is provided to any student with   while sponsored by ADU
                                                     •   Applicants must promptly respond to any notice,
        Student Dress Code                               telecommunication, e-mail & SMS involved with their
                                                         visas and Health Insurance Cards renewal process
        Students are responsible for the reputation of Abu Dhabi   •   Applicants must comply with the student visa policy
        University. All are expected to dress appropriately and
        respect cultural and religious traditions of the United Arab   •   Immediate updating from the student’s side for
        Emirates. The following are unacceptable at Abu Dhabi   Student Support Service office with any changes may
        University.                                      occur to the student’s communication channels (Tel
                                                         Nos. & E-mails)
        Male students:
                                                     Students under Abu Dhabi University visa sponsorships,
        •   Shorts are not allowed unless for sports  activities.
                                                     together with GCC students who wish to have UAE
        •   Tight or revealing shirts/tops.          health insurance plans should also apply through the
                                                     Student Affairs Department. For visa information and
        •   Shirts with inappropriate logos or        application, students are advised to visit the visa page:
        •   Sleeveless shirts.
                                                     Student Locker
        •   Tight or transparent pants.
                                                     Lockers are available to any current and registered
        Female students:
                                                     student of Abu Dhabi University. Due to a limited number
        •   Shorts are not allowed unless for         of compartments, locker rental is subjected on a first-
            sports activities.                       come, first-served basis. Locker applications are obtained,
                                                     completed and submitted to Student Support Office.
        •   Tight or revealing shirts/tops.
        •   Shirts with inappropriate logos or        Student Transportation
                                                     The Abu Dhabi University Student Transportation Service
        •   Tight or transparent pants.              has been established to offer and maintain a safe and
                                                     orderly environment for travelers to and from Abu Dhabi
        •   Midriff and halter tops.                 University  campuses.  Abu  Dhabi  University  provides  the
        •   Sleeveless shirts.                       service to transport students according to their needs in
                                                     addition to allowing access to the university. Students are
        •   Tights or leggings.                      picked-up and dropped off at designated areas around
        •   Face covers (that obstruct identity).    the city of Abu Dhabi  or the city of Al Ain in accordance
                                                     to the student’s preferred type of service. Students can
        •   Skirts above the knee.                   avail the service through this page:
        Student Visa & Health Insurance
        Abu Dhabi University students, who choose to be   The Student Support Portal
        sponsored by the University regarding residence visa,
        should apply through the Student Affairs Department. The   The Student Support Portal at Abu Dhabi University is
        visa sponsorship process requires certain conditions that   an online platform designed to provide comprehensive
        students should meet to obtain and maintain a student   assistance and resources to students throughout their
        visa. Such conditions are covered by UAE government rules   academic journey. It offers a range of online services
        and regulations:                             aimed at facilitating students’ success and enhancing
                                                     their overall university experience. The portal streamlines
        •   Applicants should be enrolled in either an   administrative processes, facilitates access to support
            undergraduate or postgraduate program in ADU

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