Page 72 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 72


        and students. There are occasions, however, when conflicts   Students can access the service and share these concerns
        arise which require resolution. Such conflicts are normally   through: .
        resolved informally and in good faith between individuals
        and groups through conflict resolution processes.  Confidentiality
        To this end, Abu Dhabi University encourages informal   Confidentiality will be upheld by all parties to the highest
        meetings  between  a  grievant(s)  and  the  respondent(s).   degree possible at all stages of the grievance. This means
        Abu Dhabi University also encourages the involvement of   that no issue regarding the grievance will be discussed with
        third parties; such as Student Council, Student Support   any person who is not directly involved in the investigation.
        Office personnel, and the appropriate Coordinator, Head
        of Department, or Dean, all of whom are expected to assist   A student may not submit a formal grievance in the
        with communication and mediation.            following circumstances:
        In cases where the informal meetings prove unsuccessful   •   A grievance is against another student(s) - such
        or unsatisfactory, the grievant has the right to file a formal   grievances should be processed by the Code of
        grievance that complies with the terms of this policy and   Conduct.
        its procedures.                              •   A grievance is against personnel decisions.

        Definitions                                  •   A grievance is against grades awarded in particular
                                                         courses or academic decisions regarding academic
        This policy uses the following definitions:      work unless there is an element of harassment and
        Grievance: A request by a student for a formal investigation   discrimination involved in the claim.
        of decisions or actions by a faculty or staff member of the   •   A grievance is based on the same or similar
        University that are perceived to be wrong, mistaken, unjust,   circumstances that are pending resolution or have
        discriminatory and in violation of the rights of the student.  been resolved or are under adjudication and involve
        Grievant: The person(s) who submits the grievance.  the same student.
        Faculty: Members of the University faculty including part-  •   A grievance is against a University policy or procedures,
        time, full-time and non-regular faculty, such as visiting and   or a University employee is acting in compliance with
        adjunct faculty.                                 those policies/procedures.
        Employee:  A person  officially employed by  Abu Dhabi   Implementation
        University in any capacity.
                                                     The Head of Student Support  Office or the  designee  will
        Instructor: Any person employed by the University who   be responsible for the implementation of this policy. The
        teaches a class, including part- time, full- time and non-   implementation will comprise six phases:
        regular instructors such as visiting and adjunct instructors.
                                                     1.   The Head of Student Support Office forwards and
        Respondent: The person or persons cited in the grievance.  discusses the grievance with the Provost before
                                                         forming a Student Grievance Committee (SGC). If
        Staff:  Any non-teaching employee of the University,   the Provost can reach a solution which satisfies
        including students.                              the grievant, the grievance will be closed. Campus
        Student: Any person who is registered for classes at Abu   Directors play the role of the Provost in their campuses.
        Dhabi University.                            2.   The SGC will comprise:
        Students’ Complaints and Suggestions                 a.  The Provost, or designee, who will serve as a
        Abu Dhabi University encourages feedback with regard to
        the services that are provided to its student and believes      b.  The Dean of a college other than the
        that everyone must share concerns, suggestions, and      concerned college  (to be named by the
        complaints freely to ensure the University continues      Provost),  who will serve as a member.
        to adopt the best possible standard of both academic      c.  One student, representing the Student
        and administrative services. Besides that, the University      Council   will serve as a member. Decisions will
        provides a fair investigation of a received complaint.      be made on the basis of formal votes, in all cases.
        Student complaints and suggestions are shared with   3.   Final decision/recommendations will be shared with
        Department heads and College Deans to look into them   the concerned Department Head/Dean by the Provost.
        and provide corrective actions within 5 working days.

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025
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