Page 73 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 73


        4.   Final decision/recommendations will be shared with   b. averse the recommendation(s);
            the grievant by the Head of the Student Support
            Office.                                  c. refer the case back to the Student Grievance Committee
                                                     for reconsideration de novo; or
        5.   Any appeal concerning this report must be forwarded
            by the Head of Student Support Office to the Chancellor   d. uphold the recommendations of the SGC, with whatever
            in writing within 5 working days of the grievant’s   modification deemed reasonable.
            receipt of the final decision/recommendations.  The Chancellor’s decision shall be conveyed to the Grievant
        6.   The Chancellor will make a final decision within five   and the concerned Department Head/Dean by the Head
            working  days  of  receiving  the  appeal  or,  in  cases   of Student Support Office or the designee and filed by the
            where due process has been shown not to have been   Head of Student Support Office.
            followed, direct that the SGC hear the case de novo.
                                                     Housing and Residence Life
        Student Grievance Committee Rules            Abu Dhabi University - Abu Dhabi Campus offers residence
        The following conditions and processes apply:  units of different classifications, all of which are apartment/
                                                     studio type which is housed in buildings with 24/7 security
        Student Grievance Forms must be held on behalf of the   and security system. Student dormitories are separated
        SGC, and made available to students on request, by the   regarding gender, in observance of the Gender Segregation
        Student Support Office.                      Policy of the university. These residences are strategically
                                                     located within the ADU Campus, creating an atmosphere
        A grievance must be submitted via the Student Support   most conducive to learning and comfort of students.
        Office within two weeks of the day in which  the event
        allegedly took place or the decision was taken.  A Residence Life Coordinator and Security Personnel who
                                                     are available 24/7 to cater to students’ requests and other
        The Student Support Office is to place all grievances on file,   needs man each dormitory. Due to health and hygiene
        on behalf of the SGC, along with other pertinent grievance   purposes, pets are not allowed in the dormitories. Curfew
        documents and the determinations made by the SGC, and   hours are applied to ensure student safety and promote a
        Chancellor.                                  secure environment of campus living.
        If  an  SGC  member  declares  or  discovers  a  conflict  of   Types of Units:
        interest during proceedings, or a conflict of interest
        involving an SGC member is discovered by another SGC   Private Room:
        member during proceedings, the member involved may
        pardon him/ herself from the committee or be excused by   Single unit with individual kitchen and bath (1 person/ unit).
        the Chair.                                   Semi-Private:
        Should a disagreement arise between a committee   Single Occupancy with Shared Bath and Kitchen (2
        member and the Chair as to whether or not a committee   persons/unit).
        member should be excused on the grounds of a conflict of
        interest, a resolution will be sought by a majority vote.   Double-Occupancy:
                                                     One-bedroom unit with two beds with shared kitchen and
        SGC committee members may not also serve on any   bath (2 persons/unit).
        Appeals Committee appointed by the Chancellor.
                                                     Double-Shared Occupancy:
        Appeals                                      Two-bedroom unit with two beds in each room
                                                     and shared kitchen and bath (4 persons/unit).
        •   The Grievant shall have the right to appeal the SGC   (Not Available During Covid-19 Pandemic)
            report to the Chancellor through the Head of Student
            Support Office. This appeal must be in written form   All units are furnished with bed/s, complete beddings,
            and filed within five (5) days.          bedside drawers, study desks, and cupboards, microwave
                                                     ovens, and refrigerators.
        •   The Chancellor will review the SGC report to determine
            whether the evidence and the process used to support   Facilities and Services available:
            the recommendations.
                                                     Common kitchens
        •   The Chancellor shall have the discretion to:  Laundry room
        a. uphold the SGC recommendation(s);         TV room

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