Page 67 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
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        future success. Our office is committed to maintaining long-  •   Clubs Program
        lasting relationships with our alumni, and we accomplish   There is an extensive and varied menu of clubs for students
        this by forging connections through various programs and   to become active and involved in on campus ranging from
        resources.                                   arts, culture, and humanitarianism to professional and
        Alumni Academy: This initiative focuses on providing   social. The clubs are designed to motivate Abu Dhabi
        professional development opportunities for our graduates,   University students and provide them with opportunities to
        around a range of topics related to their previous programs   expand their leadership skills. There is also the opportunity
        of study, career guidance for new graduates, and other   to suggest and create  new  clubs and  for students to
        topics, which contribute to their personal and professional   illustrate their culture, interests, and passions.
        Alumni Spotlight: We highlight our alumni success   •   Leadership & Volunteer Program
        stories, to learn more about their careers and other   Students are encouraged to volunteer in SEO, ADU and the
        achievements  and  updates  that  they  would  like  to  share   surrounding community while also working with corporate
        with the community.                          organizations through cross-generational work and CSR
        Alumni Card:  Alumni have the privilege of carrying an   initiatives. Several tiers of ‘leaders’ are supported and will
        ADU Alumni card, which provides a variety of discounts   be given rewards through training, development, university
        within the community and grants access to ADU campuses   exchange and international volunteering opportunities.
        and facilities.                              Also included in SEO’s signature programming are
        Alumni Talks: We are proud to invite our alumni as guest   leadership and empowerment workshops. Students are
        speakers and hosts for our events where they share their   given the opportunity to make informed and proactive
        experiences and advice as entrepreneurs and industry   decisions  therefore, implementing positive change in their
        leaders.                                     own lives, healthily spilling over into their ADU community.
        Alumni Network Groups:  ADU graduates are    SEO assist the faculty and administration by helping
        encouraged to join our online communities, to network   students create their  best self  and strives  to become  a
        and connect with other alumni, while learning more about   leading model of innovative and creative approaches
        alumni events,  job opportunities  and more.  ADU Groups   for student-centered initiatives as we deliberately grow
        and the LinkedIn ADU Alumni Network, are the main   to meet the expanding needs of our splendidly diverse
        platforms that keep our alumni community connected.    student body and the greater community.
                                                     Student Support Office (SSO)
        Student Engagement Office                    The  Student  Support Office  is a  prominent division
        (SEO)                                        within the Student Affairs Department, entrusted with
                                                     the provision of comprehensive non-academic support
                                                     services to students. Our team consists of highly dedicated,
        The Student Engagement Office is a student-centered   experienced, and specialized professionals who are
        department that  works in  unison with various  student   committed to delivering an exceptional experience to
        bodies, clubs and groups to enrich ADU’s community
        with an expansive variety of culture, social activities, arts,   students throughout their tenure at Abu-Dhabi University.
        environmental awareness and leadership opportunities.   Student Support Portal:
        SEO is always looking forward to create a vibrant campus
        life and to engage students with exciting new activities   The Student Support Office is committed to provide
        and events that occur on & off campus. Programs that   students with a seamless university experience through an
        represent the aim of the office are the following:  easy access to all its services from a digitized portal where
                                                     students can avail any of the available services anytime
        •   Student Council Program                  and  anywhere.  Use  this  link  to  explore  our  services:
        This elite body of elected individuals offers a strong bridge
        of communication between the student body and ADU’s   Code of Conduct
        management. The SC ensures that they embrace the
        needs of their fellow students to assist in understanding   The Student Code of Conduct is established to foster and
        and suggesting significant developments at Abu Dhabi   protect the core mission of the University, to foster the
        University. The Student Council undertakes a variety of   scholarly and civic development of the University’s students
        training programs to enhance leadership and management   in a safe and secure learning environment, and to protect
        opportunities once they graduate from ADU.   the people, properties and processes that support the
                                                     University and its mission. Filing a code of conduct case

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