Page 86 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
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        Help Desk and Online Support                 Membership
        For all general IT support queries,          The Abu Dhabi University library is open for the purpose of
                                                     study and research to the following groups:
        Email: or go to AskADU
        (                             a.   members of all the Boards and Councils of Abu Dhabi
        For telephone support: Dial +971 2 501-5959  b.   members of Academic and Non-academic staff of  Abu
        Student needing assistance on technical support related   Dhabi University;
        service can walk-in into IMTS help desk or raise it through   c.   registered students of Abu Dhabi University;
        AskADU (
                                                     d.   other students taking courses in Abu Dhabi University
        Student can use the student ID card to gain access to ADU   as agreed by the manager of the library or an
        Campus. Alternatively, student can register a fingerprint for   authorized representative;
        biometric authentication.
                                                     e.   students of other UAE universities as authorized by
        ADU provides a  robust platform for distance learning.   the manager of the library;
        The students have access to Blackboard Learn for student
        coursework, assessment, and Respondus Lockdown   f.    alumni can access the online resources available to
        Browser & Respondus Monitor for online exams. Online   them by using their alumni email account;
        lecture  is  through  Microsoft  Teams  enables  secure
        collaboration with faculty and students while some of the   g.   access to the library print and online collection for the
        software is made available to the student via the workplace   wider community is allowed on campus.
        site.                                        Abu Dhabi University library provides the following services
                                                     to its users:
        Bookshop                                     a.     Circulation and Reserves
        The Abu Dhabi University Bookstore is dedicated to provide   b.     Reference Service
        students, faculty and staff quality textbooks on time,
        combining service with value pricing.  The suitability of   c.     Full Text e-Journals Search
        adopted textbooks for the course has been reviewed and
        evaluated  thoroughly  by  the  Colleges.    In  addition,  ADU   d.     Group Study Rooms
        partnered with major international publishers to provide   e.     Information Literacy Sessions
        advantages in textbook prices and selection.
                                                     f.      Interlibrary Loan
        ADU considers e-book’s potential to provide a more
        effective and efficient teaching strategy and deliver of   g.     Online Library Catalog
        content to students. Timely availability, cost efficient, vast   h.     Library guides
        available online resources, highly interactive and adaptable
        into new editions are some of the advantages of e-books.    General Rules
        Abu Dhabi University Bookstore is constantly striving to   All registered readers are presumed to know the library
        supply what the consumer is asking for and continually   regulations which are included in the Student handbooks
        reviews what is available in the marketplace, improving on   and available in the Library and on the Library’s web pages.
        what is available and providing new products and services
        as needed.                                   Library Hours
                                                     The library is open Monday through Friday and closed on
        Library                                      Sundays; public holidays and other days of obligation.
        The Abu Dhabi University library includes facilities on   The opening hours of the main library are displayed on the
        the Abu Dhabi and Al Ain campuses. The library provides   notice boards and are as follows:
        educational services to Abu Dhabi University communities   Monday – Friday:  8:00 am – 8:00 pm
        that include orientation, training for new users, information
        literacy, research assistance, subject guides, borrowing   Public holidays and special days:  Closed
        and lending, reference services, database searching   Saturdays, Ramadan and summer sessions have special
        and internet access. The  Abu Dhabi University library is   hours.
        committed to providing a well-balanced and up-to-date set
        of educational resources.

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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