Page 88 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 88


        •  Wahat AlZain Cafeteria (AA)               in the workplace, laboratory or classroom and all levels
                                                     of  management.  In  academic  areas,  supervisors  include
        •  88 kitchen light meal (AA)                the lab instructors, class instructors and faculty, or others
        •  Grandiose Supermarket (AD)                having direct supervisory authority. Academic levels of
                                                     management are the department chairperson or Deans
        •  Hardees (AD)                              and the Provost. Administrative levels of management
        •  Nabras Alsamawi Restaurant & Cafeteria (AD)  include mid-management, Directors, and Vice Chancellor.
                                                     Final responsibility for Environment, health and safety policy
        •  Para Café (AD)                            and programs rests with the Chancellor of the University.
        •  Pizza Hut (AD)                            Scope
        •  Rice Bowl Restaurant (AD)                 Abu Dhabi University makes all reasonable efforts to:
        •  Starbucks Coffee (AD)                     •   Ensure that all used equipment, substances and work
                                                         systems are suitable for their intended purposes and
        •  Subway (AD)                                   take all  practical steps to meet safety requirements;
        •  Tim Hortons (AD)                          •   Protect the health and safety of Abu Dhabi University
                                                         faculty, staff, students, visitors and Contractors who
        Community Center                                 are present in the university campuses;
                                                     •   Comply with all applicable UAE, international and
        A range of facilities are available on campus for Abu Dhabi   Abu Dhabi laws, legislations and associated codes of
        University community and to the public in the community   practice;
        center which is located near gate number 3 which includes:  •   Provide safe workplaces - academic, research, and
                                                         administrative - for faculty, staff and students;
        ●   Blossom Nursery                          •   Provide information to faculty, staff, students and
        ●   Community Mosque                             visitors/contractors about health and safety hazards;
        ●   Sky Blue Laundry                         •   Identify risks and health and safety hazards and
                                                         provide the necessary corrective and preventive
        ●   Royal Gulf Supermarket                       actions and encourage faculty, staff and students
        ●   Royal Café Cafeteria                         report hazards;
        ●   Vintage Male Barber Shop                 •   Provide information and safeguards for those on
                                                         campuses and in the surrounding community
        ●   Shahd Ladies Beauty Center                   regarding  environmental  hazards  arising  from
                                                         operations at Abu Dhabi University;
        ●   Community Party Room
                                                     •   Ensure efficient utilization of energy, water, and other
        ●   Male & Female Gym                            natural resources;
        ●   Lift Gym (CrossFit Gym)                  •   Ensure proper storage, segregation and disposal
        ●   Kids Playground                              of the generated waste according to the UAE
                                                         Environmental regulation.
        Environmental Health and                     The Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Committee was
        Safety                                       established in Abu Dhabi University with the responsibility of
                                                     recommending University-wide health and safety policies;
                                                     ensuring overall institutional compliance with policies,
        ADU is committed to strong programs of accident and injury   statutes, and regulations; monitoring the effectiveness of
        prevention and to complying with all environmental, health   the EH&S programs; identifying the risk at the workplace
        and safety laws and regulations. Good health and safety   and providing central health and safety services to all areas
        practices are the responsibility of each faculty member,   of the University.
        staff member, student and visitors to the university.
                                                     For EH&S and security related matters, you may contact the
        Line responsibility  for good  health and  safety practice   following numbers: 02-5015860, 02-5015983 and
        begins with each person in the campus,  the supervisor

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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