Page 120 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 120


        Goal 3: Increase Engagement                  Learning Outcomes
        •   Ensure an interactive/experiential learning experience
                                                     Upon successful completion of this program, the graduates
        •   Be  responsive  to  the  needs  of  our  communities  by   will be able to:
            conducting original applied research attempting to
            find solutions to the issues facing the business, the   1.   Critically  evaluate  contemporary  businesses
            government, and the society of the UAE       administration issues with an emphasis on sustainable
                                                         business practices and the various approaches to
        •   Support initiatives in the business community and the   address them.
                                                     2.   Apply a range of quantitative and/or qualitative
        •   Establish a long-lasting and all-encompassing   research  methods  to  solve  current  and  dynamic
            relationship with major stakeholders in the nation to   business problems.
            advance the intellectual capital at the leadership level
            of the country                           3.   Apply advanced knowledge in business management
                                                         and practical research skills to solve complex business
        Goal 4: Encourage Leadership, Creativity, Innovation, and   problems and/or create sustainable business
        Ethics                                           organizations.
        •   Foster  a  learning  environment  that  values  creativity   4.   Defend research/dissertation that: (a) contains critical
            and innovation                               evaluation and synthesis of existing body of knowledge
                                                         in a relevant area of business administration; (b)
        •   Foster a leadership mindset through training in   makes original contribution and impact to knowledge
            cooperative and active learning              in business administration; (c) adheres to the ethical
        •   Foster diversity, social responsibility, integrity, and   standards in executing business administration
            accountability                               research; and (d) merits publication.
                                                     5.   Demonstrate  superior  proficiency  in  articulating
                                                         research ideas in writing and presentations.


        Total Credits:  66 Credit Hours
        Pre-core Courses

            Code                Course Title            Credit Hours        Prerequisite(s)
          BUS 482-PC  Quantitative Methods in Business       -              No Prerequisite
          ECO 482-PC  Introduction to Economics              -              No Prerequisite
          MGT 482-PC  Introduction to Management             -              No Prerequisite

        Phase I: Coursework including Research Proposal               39 Total Credit Hours

           Course               Course Title              Credit Hours        Prerequisite(s)
           COMM1    Communication and Leadership               3              No Prerequisite
           METH1    Introduction to Business Research          3             COMM1 Co-requisite
           METH2A   Qualitative Methods for Research I – Design  3               METH1
           METH2B   Qualitative Methods for Research II – Analysis  3            METH2A

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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