Page 121 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 121


           METH3A   Quantitative Methods for Research I – Design  3              METH1
           METH3B   Quantitative Methods for Research II – Analysis  3           METH3A
           MGMT1    Management of Change and Innovation        3                 COMM1
           MGMT2    Seminar in Strategic Management            3              No Prerequisite
           MGMT3    Leadership                                 3                 COMM1
           MGMT4    Seminar in Organization Theory and Behavior  3               COMM1
           MGMT5    Managerial Decision Making                 3                 COMM1
           MGMT6    Global Issues in Business                  3                 COMM1
           RSCH1    Research Proposal                          3             METH2B + METH3B
        Phase II: Dissertation                                                            27 Total Credit Hours

            Code                Course Title              Credit Hours        Prerequisite(s)

         COMM2      Dissertation Writing                3               Completion of Phase I** or
                                                                        Department Consent
         RSCH2      Dissertation                        24              Admission to Phase II***

        *Only required if course work not taken at the undergraduate level.
        ** Successful completion of all the course in Phase 1 with a minimum CGPA of 3.5
        *** Completion of Phase 1 and COMM2
        Eligibility for Admission:

        Admission to Phase I: Coursework including Research Proposal
        1.   Candidates must hold either a master’s degree in business or business related area with a CGPA of 3.5 or above
        2.   Fluency in English at a TOEFL level of 550, iBT min 79 / ITP min 550 (taken at ADUKG or Amideast only) / Academic
            IELTs 6.0 or equivalent
        3.   Professional Recommendations
        4.   Evidence of at least 2 years of work experience at the middle to upper management level
        5.   Panel Interview

        Admission to Phase II: Dissertation
        1.   A CGPA of 3.5 or above in the coursework requirements in Phase I
        2.   A “Pass” grade in the Research Proposal Defense.

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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