Page 4 - ASC Highlights Fall 23-24
P. 4


        Reflections from the

        ASC Family Members

                             Abd Al Rhman Al Rifaee - Peer Mentor & Course Assistant                 1089444

                             I had an exceptional experience being a course assistant and peer mentor. While the
                             students faced certain challenges, I played a key role in enhancing their understanding
                             of the material. This resulted in a substantial positive impact and marked development
                             in their learning. In addition to that, guiding the students throughout their first semester
                             at university and ensuring they had a friend was a profoundly heartwarming experience,
                             adding an extra layer of fulfillment to my role.

                             Alyssa Brianna Palmer  - Peer Mentor                                    1089444

                             Being a peer mentor for 5 semesters has been an invaluable experience for both myself and
                             my mentees. I have had the opportunity to practice my interpersonal and communicative
                             skills, while also imparting my advice and experiences to help new students settle in
                             the university. My mentees get the benefit of having someone who already “knows the
                             ropes” to guide them through their first semester. It is truly a wonderful experience and
                             a great way to help new students who may not know all ADU and the ASC have to offer!

                             Tuayyeb Hussain  - Peer Tutor                                           1091398

                             Being a peer tutor at Abu Dhabi University has really benefited me in many aspects of
                             my life. This role has not just strengthened the grasp of the course I tutor but it also
                             has boosted my cognitive abilities and morale. Moreover, it really makes me confident
                             enough to take up challenges that are meant to hinder my career goals.

                             Sheryl Jubi  - Course Assistant                                         1078783

                             Being a Course Assistant at the ASC has greatly aided me in stepping outside of my
                             comfort zone and developing my soft skills. The ASC has undoubtedly assisted me in
                             becoming more vocal and confident, from meeting and conversing to communicating
                             and clearly expressing my opinions. This role has instilled in me a sense of trustworthiness
                             and dependability, and has also given me a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in
                             knowing that I have assisted someone.

        Abu Dhabi University | ASC Highlights 2023                                                         Fall 23-24
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