Page 8 - ASC Highlights Fall 23-24
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        The ASC Appreciation Ceremony

        The ASC’s third appreciation ceremony was a festive celebration, as we gathered to honor students
        whose exceptional contributions have enriched our ASC community. Dr. Sreethi Nair, our esteemed
        Dean, handed out well-deserved certificates, recognizing the outstanding efforts of these remarkable
        individuals. Our gratitude extends to the adept coordination of Dr. Nitin Serwa (AA Campus) and
        Ms. Duha Lababidi (AD Campus). Certificates and gifts were presented with an aura of distinction,
        complemented by engaging games and delightful snacks. It was a formal recognition of excellence
        infused with a touch of levity, making it an event that will be fondly remembered. Thank you to our
        exceptional students who truly stole the spotlight at this distinguished gathering!

        Abu Dhabi University | ASC Highlights 2023                                                         Fall 23-24
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