Page 9 - ASC Highlights Fall 23-24
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        Ciao Party

        As the semester came to an end, the Ciao Party provided a much-needed break before the finals. The
        event was all about fun, games, and relieving stress. Students gathered for an enjoyable evening,
        engaging in various entertaining activities, from classic board games to lively team challenges.
        Laughter filled the air as everyone embraced the festivities, and, of course, there were plenty of
        prizes to add excitement.

        ASC Booth at ADU Orientation

        The ASC played a pivotal role in the orientation event by actively engaging with freshmen through
        an informative booth. Participants received valuable information as the ASC handed out brochures
        explaining its purpose and diverse role in the academic community. The Academic Tutors took the
        opportunity to emphasize the support services available to students. Moreover, the ASC facilitated
        meaningful connections by orchestrating face-to-face interactions between freshmen students
        and their assigned Peer Mentors. Adding an element of fun and engagement, the ASC organized
        a set of general knowledge questions, enticing participants with prizes. This not only served as an
        entertaining icebreaker but also encouraged students to actively participate in the orientation,
        ensuring a comprehensive introduction to both academic resources and the vibrant community
        provided by the ASC.

        Abu Dhabi University | ASC Highlights 2023                                                         Fall 23-24
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