Page 2 - ASC Highlights Fall 23-24
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        Our New Students

        This fall, our campus has been graced by a wave of fresh faces, each representing the promise of
        a brighter future. We’re thrilled that you’ve chosen Abu Dhabi University as your academic home,
        and we want you to know that you’ve made the right choice. Here at ADU, we stand as a beacon of
        educational excellence in the UAE, and you are now part of this legacy.

        Allow me to introduce you to a vital resource on our campus—the Academic Success Center (ASC).
        It’s not just a place; it’s a supportive community of individuals dedicated to your academic journey. At
        the heart of the ASC are our stars: the Course Assistants, Peer Tutors, and Peer Mentors. They are not
        just your fellow college mates; they are your academic allies, ready to lend a helping hand whenever
        you need it.

        Whether you’re facing a challenging Calculus problem or seeking guidance on finding the perfect
        student club, they are here for you. Our peer mentors can even assist you with important tasks like
        submitting a make-up exam request. They’ve been in your shoes, and they know what it takes to

        In both campuses Abu Dhabi and Al Ain, our stars have already made a significant impact on the lives
        of countless students, helping them achieve the grades they aspire to.

        As you begin your academic journey, it’s essential to know your support system. I encourage you to
        pay us a visit in the Academic Success Center in both Abu Dhabi and Al Ain campuses. We’re here to
        help you excel academically and make the most of your university experience.

        Remember, education is not just about classes and exams; it’s a transformative journey. Embrace
        curiosity, seek help when needed, and view every challenge as an opportunity to grow. We’re excited
        to be a part of your educational adventure and look forward to seeing you thrive.

        With warm regards,
        Coordinators, Academic Success Center

        Abu Dhabi University | ASC Highlights 2023                                                       Spring 22-23
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