Page 10 - Al Ain Gazette - Abu Dhabi University
P. 10
’s Voice
The Council Leader
Hello! My name is Samah, and I am majoring in Bio-
medical Engineering. I am motivated to learn and im-
prove medical diagnosis and treatments. so outside
of the classroom, I actively participate in the student
council to balance my academic journey with extra-
curricular activities. Drawing is my creative outlet,
and I enjoy transforming ideas into visual art.
How do you collaborate with other student and reinforced the ties among our campus
council members to implement initiatives and community.
projects? In what ways do you gather feedback from
We place a high premium on providing a mix of the student body, and how do you use that
knowledge and enjoyment. We plan meetings feedback to improve the student experience?
at the student council office in the student hub We welcome feedback from students at any
building, choosing a time when the majority of time, whether they come to us directly or dur-
members are accessible, to plan these events. ing an event. If the feedback relates to univer-
In order to make sure that our activities are not sity events, we forward it to student affairs; if
only pleasant but also beneficial for all partici- it concerns their academic performance, we
pating students, we develop engaging ideas forward it to the college deans; and if it con-
and design giveaways during these sessions. cerns complaints or suggestions for enhancing
Can you share a successful project or event campus life, we forward it to Dr. Mohammed
that the student council has organized in the Fteiha, who will always make sure the students
past, and what impact it had on the campus have the best experience possible at ADU.
community? How do you balance your academic respon-
sibilities with your role in the student council?
The "Club Fair," a joint effort of student affairs,
student council, and presidents of the several High time management skills are necessary for
student organizations on campus, was a note- us to balance our academic obligations with
worthy occasion. This exciting event brought our student council duties. Mr. Sabri and Ms.
together students from diverse disciplines and Amna usually notify us of significant upcoming
backgrounds to form clubs and then partici- events so we have ample time to meet, plan
pate in the events these clubs hosted. In this the events, and finish before the deadline.
way, we promoted inclusivity