Page 20 - ADU Voice
P. 20

20  voice   · FALL 2022

         a small coffee shop overlooking a gorgeous           Şile, was the perfect starting point for yet
         lake. After an authentic Turkish feast, my           another  scrumptious  meal,  the  essential
         family and I were treated to an invigorating         after-dinner Turkish tea, and a boat cruise
         tour around their village. Through the trees         accompanied by an entourage of ducks who
         and by the river, the smell of fresh leaves          appreciated the snacks we gave them so
         and bark, the sound of frogs and birds, the          much, that they decided to stay with us until
         sight of the sun shining through the tree            we docked at the end. Can you hear them
         branches... a day filled with utter happiness.       quacking in the pictures? Can you imagine
                                                              their body movements whenever we threw
         In the photos, can you smell the food on the         snacks their direction?
         table or hear the bees buzzing around the

         daisies? Don’t the tall trees and the nearby         I ended my journey with a glass of Turkish
         water seem so still and peaceful?                    tea  by  the  marvelous  Ağva  seaside,  with
                                                              the wind blowing through the trees, birds
         Another attempt to escape into the tranquil-         chirping, and waves crashing on the rocks.
         ity of nature led me to take a two-hour road         What better feeling than letting the sound of
         trip to the districts of Şile & Ağva. There,         mother nature prevail, moments captured in
         Sakligöl, referred to as the hidden lake of          photographic keepsakes.
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