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            be responsible members of a diverse community, and   followed;                                           potentially compromises the safety of others;  unacceptable or harsh tone.
            honor and respect differences of culture, lifestyle, and      b.  the student/organization did not have
            religion.                                        adequate opportunity to prepare and present a    12.  Possessing fireworks, firearms, weapons or other   27.  Raising voice, shouting or loudly talking using
        3.   Academic integrity and honesty are basic values of   defense;                                        explosive devices;                           unacceptable tone with students, staff or faculty
            the  University.   Students  and  student  organizations      c. the evidence presented at the hearing was   13.  Threatening or causing physical or mental harm
            are expected to follow the student code of conduct      not substantial to justify the decision; or    to others;                              28.  Physically attacking university faculty, staff, visitors, or
            standards of academic integrity, and honesty listed in                                            14.  Harassing or causing a hostile environment     fellow students;
            ADU’s Student Academic Integrity Policy.         d. the sanction imposed was not in keeping with      within the university community;         29.  Inappropriate physical contact or any intentional
                                                             the gravity of the violation.
        4.   The ADU campus, its grounds, facilities and equipment                                                                                             touching of any body part, and indecent exhibition of
            are provisions for students of ADU.  Students and                                                 15.  Abusing the Student Code of Conduct system. This   intimate parts of the body;
            student organizations are expected to respect and use   Student Responsibilities                      includes but is not limited to:
            them responsibly. This includes the use of the library,   The following acts are prohibited and may result in      a. knowingly filing a false statement or      30.  Gambling on university premises;
            residence halls, classroom buildings, laboratories, and   disciplinary actions:                          accusation against another person;    31.  Recording, storing and distribution of images without
            the campus as a whole.                                                                                                                             the person’s consent;
                                                     1.   Acting or conducting oneself in a way that obstructs       b. disrupting or interfering with the orderly
        Student Rights                                   or hinders the application and enforcement of the           business of a conduct proceeding;     32.  Promotion of hostile behavior, communication of
                                                         Student Code of Conduct;
        As members of the University Community, students can                                                         c. failing to attend a conduct meeting;   obscene language, intent to damage reputation by an
                                                                                                                                                               individual or group through use of technology, but not
        reasonably  expect  all  of  the  guarantees  and  protections   2.   Trespassing, forcefully entering university-owned,                               limited to, websites, social networking sites, phones
        which include the right to:                      leased or controlled premises without permission;           d. discouraging an individual’s participation in or    and emails;
                                                                                                                     accessing the student conduct process;
        1.   A fair process, guaranteeing both substantive rights   3.   Destroying or vandalizing personal and/or public
            and equitable procedures in all matters pursuant to   property;                                          e. intimidating witnesses or participants of the    33.  Impersonation by pretending to be another person
            the Student Code of Conduct;                                                                             conduct process;                          for any purpose or using another student ID for any
        2.   Remain free from discrimination on the basis of race,   4.   Unauthorized use of computer system or access      f. failing to comply with the sanctions imposed    purpose;
            ethnicity, gender, age, religion, creed, national origin                                                 under the Student Code of Conduct; and    34.  Failing to report lost or found items to the concerned
            or disability;                           5.   Stealing property, including intellectual property, of      Student Code of Conduct; and             department;
        3.   Engage in inquiry and discussion, to exchange thought   the university, its members, or visitors;       g. violating the terms of a conduct sanction  35.  Violating any of ADU Policies or Procedures
            and opinion, and to speak or write on any subject in   6.    Knowingly giving false information to an Abu Dhabi
            accordance with federal and local laws;      University official;                                 16.  Misusing or stealing university documents;  36.  Violating any UAE law.
        4.   Readily access established university policies and                                               17.  Violating the student notice posting policy;
            procedures; and                          7.   Willfully failing to comply with reasonable directions                                           Smoking
                                                         of university  officials (i.e.  faculty, staff  and other
        5.   Have protection from unreasonable search and   employees of Abu Dhabi University);               18.  Petitioning to change decisions made by Official   Smoking is not permitted in any University premises, public
            seizure.                                                                                              University personnel                     spaces and hallways of residences owned and managed by
        When a student/organization is charged with a violation of   8.   Committing an academic offense listed in the Student   19.  Assisting or inciting others to violate the Student Code   Abu Dhabi University at any time, by any person regardless
        the Student Code of Conduct, that student/organization   Academic Integrity Policy;                       of Conduct;                              of their status or business in the University:
        has the right to:                            9.   Disrupting classroom activity and other university   20.  Littering and inappropriate disposal of refuse;  •   All building entrances will be non-smoking areas;
        Receive advance notice of the alleged violation, be informed   functions;
        of who to contact for a meeting, and the date by which the   10.  Disrupting the operations of the university by an   21.  Demonstrating within or outside of the university;  •   Smoking  will  only  be  permitted  in  designated  areas
        contact must occur;                              action or combination of actions that interfere or   22.  Contacting media (includes but not limited to news,   which are signposted;
        Present his/her version of the events in question;  prevent others from freely participating in an activity   radio, newspaper or television) without prior approval   •   “No  Smoking”  signs  will  be  posted  at  all  entrances
        Be accompanied by an advisor or parent. (The advisor or   or program given by the university; and         from University Management;                  and appropriate locations by the Office of Safety &
        parent may not speak or participate directly in the conduct   11.  Violating safety regulations such as:  23.  Printing or releasing any information about the   Security;
        process.  This  includes  questioning  witnesses  or  making                                              university without prior permission from the Office of   •   This policy applies even in the absence of posted “No
        arguments on the student’s behalf);                  a. falsely reporting a fire, bomb, or any other      Student Support Services;                    Smoking” signs.
         Have witnesses who present information on his/her behalf;  emergency;                                                                             Visitors
        Question any statements or witnesses presented;      b. unauthorized possession, use, or alteration or    24.  Failure to provide  security guards with personal   All visitors, contractors, and suppliers are required to
                                                                                                                  identification and appropriate documentation when
        Challenge the objectivity of the hearing body in case of      tampering of any university-owned emergency   requested;                             abide by the No Smoking Policy. Security Officers are
        conflict of interest; and                            or safety equipment;                                                                          expected to inform students or visitors of the no smoking
           • Appeal the outcome of hearing on the following grounds:     c. failing to evacuate a building or other    25.  Insulting or disrespecting a university faculty or staff   policy.  However,  they  are  not  expected  to  enter  into  any
               a. the procedures under which the student/      structure in case of fire or emergency; and                                                 confrontation which may put their safety at risk.
               organization is charged are invalid or not      d. taking any action that creates a risk that    26.  Writing inappropriate emails or messages to ADU
                                                                                                                  students, staff or faculty members with aggressive,

        Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024                                              Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024
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