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 students’ assessment results are matched to occupations   designed for students and graduates to meet directly with   Alumni Academy: This initiative focuses on providing   social. The clubs are designed to motivate Abu Dhabi
 and supporting majors at ADU.   top regional and international employers. This initiative   professional development opportunities for our graduates,   University students and provide them with opportunities to
 Take Action Plan   benefits both the students and the employees as it targets   around a range of topics related to their previous programs   expand their leadership skills. There is also the opportunity
 Students create a road map of their academic and career   potential candidates and employers for specific majors.   of study, career guidance for new graduates, and other   to suggest  and create  new clubs  and for  students to
        topics, which contribute to their personal and professional
                                                     illustrate their culture, interests, and passions.
 The career fair is an opportunity for students to introduce
 development activities.  themselves directly to prospective employers, apply for   growth.
 Career Portfolio   fulltime or internship opportunities, and find out more   Alumni Spotlight: We highlight our alumni success   •   Leadership & Volunteer Program
 Summarizes students’ assessment results with their   about their graduate programs.  stories, to learn more about their careers and other   Students are encouraged to volunteer in SEO, ADU and the
 preferred majors and occupations, and personal   achievements  and  updates  that  they  would  like  to  share   surrounding community while also working with corporate
 comments/rankings, goals and achievements.  Employer Campus Visit Program  with the community.  organizations through cross-generational work and CSR
 The ADU Employer Campus Visit Program is a great way   Alumni Card:  Alumni have the privilege of carrying an   initiatives. Several tiers of ‘leaders’ are supported and will
 Career Guidance  for students and alumni to interact with employers. Each   ADU Alumni card, which provides a variety of discounts   be given rewards through training, development, university
 employer has a dedicated day on the ADU Campus to give
 Career Guidance and Advising is offered to students and   the employer a more exposure, focus, support and a better   within the community and grants access to ADU campuses   exchange and international volunteering opportunities.
 fresh graduates who have career inquiries and assists them   chance for students and graduates to meet employers   and facilities.  Also included in SEO’s signature programming are
 in improving their strategies in achieving their career goals   and learn about available opportunities. Participating   Alumni Talks: We are proud to invite our alumni as guest   leadership and empowerment workshops. Students are
 through a series of practical and effective action plans.  companies are required to have specific internships,  full   speakers and hosts for our events where they share their   given the opportunity to make informed and proactive
 Students can book automated one-on-one sessions with   or part time employment or sponsorship opportunities   experiences and advice as entrepreneurs and industry   decisions  therefore, implementing positive change in their
                                                     own lives, healthily spilling over into their ADU community.
 the Employability & Alumni Relations Office’s certified   available for ADU students and graduates.
 career advisors. Students are encouraged to increase   The ADU Employer Campus Visit Program welcomes   Alumni Network Groups:  ADU graduates are   SEO assist the faculty and administration by helping
 their employability skills by attending the variety of career   employers to:    encouraged to join our online communities, to network   students  create their  best self  and strives  to become  a
 development workshops provided during each semester.   •   Allocate a stand on campus to meet ADU students   and connect with other alumni, while learning more about   leading model of innovative and creative approaches
 Workshops include: Resume and Cover Letter Writing,   and graduates.   alumni events, job opportunities  and more.  ADU Groups   for student-centered initiatives as we deliberately grow
 Professional Emails, Creating LinkedIn Profiles, Job Search   and the LinkedIn ADU Alumni Network, are the main   to meet the expanding needs of our splendidly diverse
 Strategies, Successful Job Interviewing, and more.  •   Offer job interviews / Tests for vacancies (Full time   platforms that keep our alumni community connected.    student body and the greater community.
 & Part time Jobs, Sponsorships, Internships and
 Internship  Voluntary work).                        Student Support Office (SSO)
 •   Share information and hold Information sessions.   Student Engagement Office
 The Internship program provides students the opportunity   The Student Support Office is responsible for providing
 in bridging their academic knowledge with practical   •   Host Career Workshops.  (SEO)  non- academic support services to students. These co-
 application and actual work experience.  Internship   Employer Campus Visits are advertised on ADU GROUPS in   curricular opportunities foster atmosphere that promotes
 constitutes a valuable part of the student’s graduation   the Employability and Alumni Relations Group.  The Student Engagement Office is a student-centered   a healthy campus life twined with upholding student
 requirements. As such, it is considered an important and   department  that works in unison  with various student   development and success.
 natural extension of Abu Dhabi University’s role in helping   On-Campus Student Employment Program  bodies, clubs and groups to enrich ADU’s community
 students increase their employability. By undertaking a   with an expansive variety of culture, social activities, arts,   Code of Conduct
 supervised compulsory training course, students will have   The Student Employment Program provides on-campus   environmental awareness and leadership opportunities.   The Student Code of Conduct is established to foster and
 the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned   part-time employment, when vacancies are available, to   SEO is always looking forward to create a vibrant campus   protect the core mission of the University, to foster the
 in theory.  eligible students who desire to work and acquire valuable   life and to engage students with exciting new activities   scholarly and civic development of the University’s students
 work experience while studying at Abu Dhabi University.
 The internship is a supervised, practical training program   This program provides students the opportunity to develop   and events that occur on & off campus. Programs that   in a safe and secure learning environment, and to protect
        represent the aim of the office are the following:
 over a  specific period  and that  which carries  credit.  The   skills, their profile, and widen their work history that will   the people, properties and processes that support the
 Employability & Alumni Relations Office offers assistance   be important once they graduate from university. The on-   •   Student Council Program  University and its mission.
 to students requiring internship placements. Whenever   campus Student Employment Program allows students the
 possible, students are encouraged to seek and arrange   flexibility of work by providing them the option to work on   This elite body of elected individuals offers a strong bridge   Abu Dhabi University Expectations
 their internship as part of their job search training.   campus during their free time. The program adheres to   of communication between the student body and ADU’s   Abu Dhabi University is committed to being an academic
 Undergraduate students, enrolled in their third or fourth   labor and higher education ministry regulations.  management. The SC ensures that they embrace the   community. This includes care, cooperation and adherence
 year, who meet a pre-specified CGPA and number of credit   needs of their fellow students to assist in understanding   to standards of behavior for all who are part of this
 hours completed, are eligible for an internship. Assessment   Alumni Engagement  and suggesting significant developments at Abu Dhabi   community. For this community to flourish, the following
 is  based on the  evaluation  of the  college mentor  and   University. The Student Council undertakes a variety of   expectations of behavior have been established:
 company supervisor evaluation, student commitment, and   Alumni engagement begins at inception. Once students   training programs to enhance leadership and management
 internship reports prepared by the intern.  join the University, their relationship with ADU grows, and   opportunities once they graduate from ADU.
 Career Fairs  the strength of this relationship will define and shape their   •   Clubs Program  1.   Abu  Dhabi  University  expects  responsible  conduct
 future success. Our office is committed to maintaining long-
                                                         by students and student organizations, both on and
 The  Employability  Office  holds  targeted   career   fairs   lasting relationships with our alumni, and we accomplish   There is an extensive and varied menu of clubs for students   off campus, as a necessary condition for continued
 for each  university  college i.e.  College  of Business  and   this by forging connections through various programs and   to become active and involved in on campus ranging from   membership at Abu Dhabi University.
 Administration, College of Arts and Sciences, College of   resources.  arts, culture, and humanitarianism to professional and   2.   Students and student organizations are expected to
 Law and College of Engineering. Targeted career fairs are

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