Page 131 - Undergraduate Catalog 2023-24
P. 131


          COLLEGE OF


        College Vision                                2.     Enhance Student Enrollment, Progression, and
        To be recognized as a leading globally connected
        business school fostering sustainability for business and            a. Maintain strong faculty-student relationship
        society.                                               b. Monitor student retention and progression

        College Mission                                        c. Implement a comprehensive student enrollment
                                                                  and retention plan
        With a student-centric philosophy, the business school   3.     Conduct High Impact Applied Scholarly Research in
        prepares graduates to drive organizational transformation           Business Sustainability
        through leadership in business sustainability.
                                                         a. Conduct and disseminate high impact applied
        To achieve its mission, the College is committed to       research
        continuous improvement processes to attain the following
        goals:                                                 b. Lead business sustainability research in the region
        1.   Review and Revise Program Portfolio for Relevance      c. Lead the development of significant collaborative
            and Excel in Program Design and Delivery         research programs
            a.  Review and revise current programs    4.     Enhance Academic, Corporate, and Alumni
                                                         Engagement Nationally and Internationally
                 b. Establish a pipeline of new programs based on
                     market analyses                     a. Deepen involvement with CoB Alumni to extend
                                                             business network
            c. Maintain a comprehensive assurance of learning
                process                                       b. Expand relationships with institutional and
                                                                  community partners
            d. Ensure rigor and relevance in program design
               and delivery                                   c. Maintain a diverse cohort of students with
                                                                  international partnerships

        Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Catalog 2023 - 2024
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