Page 66 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
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        Career Planning Readiness                    company supervisor evaluation, student commitment, and
        Assesses students’ involvement in the career planning   internship reports prepared by the intern.
        process and introduces activities that support career and
        education decision-making.                   Career Fairs
        Self-Assessments                             The  Employability  Office  holds  targeted   career   fairs
        Reliable and valid research-based assessments. Prospective   for each  university  college i.e.  College  of Business  and
                                                     Administration, College of Arts and Sciences, College of
        students’ assessment results are matched to occupations   Law and College of Engineering. Targeted career fairs are
        and supporting majors at ADU.                designed for students and graduates to meet directly with
        Take Action Plan                             top regional and international employers. This initiative
        Students create a road map of their academic and career   benefits both the students and the employees as it targets
        development activities.                      potential candidates and employers for specific majors.
        Career Portfolio                             The career fair is an opportunity for students to introduce
                                                     themselves directly to prospective employers, apply for
        Summarizes students’ assessment results with their   fulltime or internship opportunities, and find out more
        preferred majors and occupations, and personal   about their graduate programs.
        comments/rankings, goals and achievements.
                                                     Employer Campus Visit Program
        Career Guidance                              The ADU Employer Campus Visit Program is a great way
        Career Guidance and Advising is offered to students and   for students and alumni to interact with employers. Each
        fresh graduates who have career inquiries and assists them   employer has a dedicated day on the ADU Campus to give
        in improving their strategies in achieving their career goals   the employer a more exposure, focus, support and a better
        through a series of practical and effective action plans.  chance for students and graduates to meet employers
                                                     and learn about available opportunities. Participating
        Students can book automated one-on-one sessions with   companies are  required to have  specific internships,  full
        the Employability & Alumni Relations Office’s certified   or part time employment or sponsorship opportunities
        career advisors. Students are encouraged to increase   available for ADU students and graduates.
        their employability skills by attending the variety of career   The ADU Employer Campus Visit Program welcomes
        development workshops provided during each semester.   employers to:
        Workshops include: Resume and Cover Letter Writing,
        Professional Emails, Creating LinkedIn Profiles, Job Search   •   Allocate a stand on campus to meet ADU students
        Strategies, Successful Job Interviewing, and more.  and graduates.
                                                     •   Offer job interviews / Tests for vacancies (Full time
        Internship                                       & Part time Jobs, Sponsorships, Internships and
                                                         Voluntary work).
        The Internship program provides students the opportunity
        in bridging their academic knowledge with practical   •   Share information and hold Information sessions.
        application and actual work experience. Internship   •   Host Career Workshops.
        constitutes a valuable part of the student’s graduation   Employer Campus Visits are advertised on ADU GROUPS in
        requirements. As such, it is considered an important and   the Employability and Alumni Relations Group.
        natural extension of Abu Dhabi University’s role in helping
        students increase their employability. By undertaking a   On-Campus Student Employment Program
        supervised compulsory training course, students will have
        the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned   The Student Practical Training (SPT) Program provides
        in theory.                                   short-term on-campus training to students who desire to
                                                     acquire valuable work experience as part of their education
        The internship is a supervised, practical training program   experience, which qualifies them for financial incentives
        over a  specific period  and  that which  carries credit.  The   to support their educational expenses. ADU is committed
        Employability & Alumni Relations Office offers assistance   to providing fair opportunity to all students. Students can
        to students requiring internship placements. Whenever   check the eligibility criteria and apply through this link:
        possible, students are encouraged to seek and arrange
        their internship as part of their job search training.
        Undergraduate students, enrolled in their third or fourth   Alumni Engagement
        year, who meet a pre-specified CGPA and number of credit   Alumni engagement begins at inception. Once students
        hours completed, are eligible for an internship. Assessment   join the University, their relationship with ADU grows, and
        is  based on  the evaluation  of the  college  mentor  and
                                                     the strength of this relationship will define and shape their

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