Page 29 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 29


           stated above showing an equivalent average to the one   3.  Be attested by the issuing University, and the UAE
           required by Abu Dhabi University.            Ministry of Higher Education.
        Professional Post-Graduate Diploma Regular   If a certificate is issued by a private university outside the
        Entry Requirements:                          UAE, the student must then submit an equivalency letter
                                                     for his/her bachelor’s degree.
        •   All students applying for postgraduate professional   DBA applicant must submit an equivalency letter for his/
           diploma in Teaching (English) admissions are required   her bachelor and /Master’s degree.
           to have a baccalaureate degree (or equivalent
           qualification) in Math, Physics, Biology, History,
           Geography,  Science,  English,  Arabic,  Social  Studies,  Credit Transfer
           Islamic Studies or other directly related discipline
           from an accredited university recognized by the UAE   Transfer credits may be applied towards a postgraduate
           Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.   degree if the following conditions are met:
           The applicant should typically have a Cumulative Grade
           Point Average of at least 2.00 on a 4.00-point scale or   1.  Students transferring from other institutions into the
           its established equivalent in relevant undergraduate   same program major should be in good academic
           course work.                                 standing (for undergraduates, a minimum CGPA
                                                        of a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or equivalent) based on the
        •   Once admitted and enrolled, the student must complete   teaching, learning and assessment system employed
           the program requirements within a maximum period of   in the organization at which they initially enrolled,
           two calendar years and the Cumulative GPA must be   demonstrated by certified transcripts or other evidence;
           at least 2.00 to graduate unless given an extension in
           writing by the Dean and Department Chair.   2.  The  transfer  of  credits  may  be  accepted  towards
                                                        fulfilling the requirements for a university degree
        Conditional Admission:                          provided they are deemed equivalent (relevant and
        Applicants may be required to satisfy the following condition   at the appropriate level of study) to a specific course
        before granted regular admission to the program:  and program.  The Dean of the appropriate College
                                                        will decide what credits can be transferred towards the
        Submission of an Equivalency letter from the Ministry of   completion of an ADU program;
        Higher Education and Scientific Research for students who
        graduated from universities outside the UAE by the end of   3.  The credits have been earned at the postgraduate level
        the first semester.                             from a federal or licensed institution in the UAE or a
                                                        recognized foreign institution of higher learning;
        Students will be given a grace period of one semester to
        submit the equivalency letter. If they fail to submit it on   4.  Only a student who is in good academic standing (CGPA
        time, their accounts will be deactivated and they will not   of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale, or equivalent) is eligible
        be allowed to register for the following semester. However,   for transfer to an Abu Dhabi University postgraduate
        students have to approach the Admissions, Enrollment &   program of study similar to that from which the student
        International Relations Department in writing in case they   is transferring;
        are not able to submit the equivalency letter by the end of   5.  The student has received grades of at least B, or 3.0 out
        the grace period. A committee with decide on each case   of 4.0 or its equivalent, and the coursework is deemed
        based on the documentation provided.            comparable to what is required in the specific degree
        Once  conditionally  admitted  students  meet  the  above   program;
        condition, they will be granted regular admission.   6.  Credit transfer will not be granted twice for substantially
                                                        the same course taken at two different institutions;
        Authentication                               7.  The course credit hours to be transferred are equal

                                                        or higher to the credit hours of Abu Dhabi University
        The University has the responsibility of verifying the   courses;
        authenticity of certificates presented by applicants. To
        satisfy the following conditions of attestation, certificates   8.  Transfer  credits may  be  given for  equivalent   Abu
        issued by universities following the UAE curriculum must:  Dhabi University courses when, in the opinion of
                                                        the appropriate Dean and Professors, the learning
        1.  Be original certificates or an attested copy,  outcomes of the proposed transfer courses and the
        2.  Show grades received for each subject, and  level of study are deemed equivalent to that of Abu
                                                        Dhabi University’s course(s).

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025
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