Page 27 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 27


            who undertook all their schooling (K-12) plus a   Case III:
            Bachelor’s degree in English in a reference English
            speaking country (e.g., UK, USA, Australia, New   •   Applicants may be required to complete some or all
            Zealand);                                    program pre-core courses (when the first degree
                                                         is not directly related to the program), before being
        3.   Academic advisor needs to make sure that the   granted regular admission to the program. Students
            conditional admission requirement met during the   are allowed to take these pre-core courses even if the
            first semester.                              language condition is not met.
        Once admitted and enrolled, the student must complete   •   Students may be required to sit for a challenge exam
        the program requirements within a maximum period of   set by the college. If students pass the exam, they will
        three calendar years and the Cumulative GPA must be at   be exempted from the pre-core course(s).
        least 3.00 to graduate unless given an extension in writing
        by the Dean and Department Chair.                                                                      •   Students  (who  meet  the  language  condition)  under
                                                         this category may be allowed to register in regular
        Students have to meet the program specific admission   graduate-level courses before completing the  pre-
        requirements of the program they are applying to.  core courses upon the recommendation of the Dean
                                                         and/or Program Director. If the above conditions are
        Conditional Admission:                           met. However, they will be allowed to take intensive
        Applicants may be granted conditional admission in the   English course(s) and/or pre-core courses even if their
        following cases:                                 language is not met.
        Case I
                                                     Case IV:
        * Students with a recognized baccalaureate degree and an
        EmSAT score range of 1250    or its equivalent on another   •   May conditionally admit students to a QFEmirates level
        standardized test approved by the Commission such as   8 or 9 graduate program with a recognized Bachelor’s
        TOEFL scores of 197 CBT, 71 iBT, 530 PBT, or 5.5 IELTS   degree and a minimum cumulative grade point
        Academic to a Emirates level 8 or 9 graduate program. Such   average (CGPA) of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale or its established
        students must meet the following requirements during the   equivalent. Such a student must take a maximum of
        period of conditional admission or be subject to dismissal:   nine credit hours of courses studied for the graduate
                                                         program during the period of conditional admission
        •   Must achieve an EmSAT score range of 1400   or   and must achieve a minimum CGPA of 3.0 on a 4.0
            equivalent, by the end of the student’s first semester   scale, or its established equivalent, in these nine
            of study;                                    credits of courses studied for the graduate program
        •   May take a maximum of six credit hours in the first   or be subject to dismissal.
            semester of study, not including intensive English
            courses;                                 Case V:
        •   Must achieve a minimum CGPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or   •   Applicants who graduated from universities outside
            its established equivalent, in the first six credit hours   the UAE are required to submit an Equivalency letter
            of credit-bearing courses studied for the  graduate   from the Ministry of Education   by the end of the
            program.                                     first semester.If the conditionally  admitted students
                                                         fail to submit their Equivalency Letters during the
        CASE II:                                         first semester, their accounts will be deactivated and
                                                         they will not be allowed to register for the following
        For Emirates Level 8 and 9 graduate programs taught in
        Arabic a minimum score of 950 on the English language   semester. However, students should approach the
                                                         Office of Student Recruitment and Admission in
        portion of the EmSAT examination, or its equivalent on
        other national or internationally-recognized tests that are   writing in case they are not able to submit their
                                                         equivalency Letters by the end of their first semester
        approved by CAA, such as TOEFL score of 450 (133 CBT,   at ADU. A committee with decide on each case based
        45 iBT), or 4.5 IELTS academic, or as identified in below
        “table  for  equivalent  score  on  test  of  English  Language”:   on the provided documentation.
        Approved Tests of English Language Proficiency; and a
        minimum score of 1100 for the Arabic language portion of
        EmSAT examination.

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025
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