Page 28 - Postgraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 28


        Table of Equivalent Scores on tests of English Language Proficiency*

                    EmSat                          TOEFL                           IELTS Academic

                  950 - 1075                450 (133 CBT, 45 iBT)                4.5
                  1100 - 1225               500 (173 CBT, 61 iBT)                5.0
                  1250 - 1375               530 (197 CBT, 71 iBT)                5.5
                  1400 - 1525               550 (213 CBT, 79 iBT)                6.0
        *Note: Score equivalents are provided by testing organizations.

        Program Specific Requirements:               f.  Official transcripts and course syllabi from other
                                                        universities for credit transfer,
        Each Master program has specific admission requirements.
        It is the responsibility of the Admissions, Enrollment &   g.  Copy of the latest C.V.,
        International Relations Department and the  Program   h.  Police clearance
        Director to ensure compliance with the requirements. Any
        changes or alterations to the Program specific requirements   i.   A true copy of an Equivalency letter from the Ministry of
        must be  approved by the  concerned Dean, Program   Education for applicants graduating from universities
        Director, and Provost and should be communicated to the   outside the UAE in addition to a true copy of the
        CAA in a timely manner.                         certified Bachelor Degree Certificate and Transcript.
        An additional master’s degree from the same institution   *The  basis  for  admission  is  the  Bachelor  degree.
        may be awarded only when a student meets the admission   Postgraduate Diplomas or master degree do not
        requirements for the second degree and upon completion   substitute the Bachelor degree for admission.
        of the requirements of the additional degree, which must
        include at least 15 credits of courses that are distinctive   Admission offers are valid for one academic year only. If a
        and not taken to meet requirements of the first degree.  student does not register within the academic year, he/she
                                                     will have to re-apply.
        Master’s degrees offered by any institution must include no
        less than 15 credits that are distinctive to that particular   Applications that have missing documents past the cut-off
        master’s program.                            date will be issued rejection letters. However, students may
                                                     reapply once their admission documents are complete.
        Professional Post-Graduate                   Students dismissed from other academic institutes for
        Diploma in Teaching General                  academic integrity offenses, as per their official transcript,
                                                     will not be admitted to Abu Dhabi University.
        Admission                                    Additional Required Documents for

        The following documents will be required during admission   International Students:
        for non-international students:              The following documents have to be received along with
        a.  A fully online completed Application for Admission   the application form and an application fee:
           form with a non-refundable application fee,  1.  Bachelor’s  Degree,  transcripts  and  certificates  duly
        b.  A true copy of the certified Bachelor Degree Certificate   attested by the UAE Ministry of Higher Education and
           and Transcript (attested by the MOE for graduates from   Scientific Research, and from the University where the
           universities in the UAE),                    certificate is issued,
        c.  A copy of UAE National ID Card,          2.  Copy of student’s passport (valid for at least 6 months),
        d.  Passport-sized photograph (to be uploaded in the   3.  Evidence of adequate funds or sponsorship,
           online application),                      4.  Standard form indicating that the applicant will abide
        e.  A copy of a valid passport and residency visa (if   by the Abu Dhabi University rules and regulations,
           applicable),                              5.  Evaluation report from the Evaluation Service Board

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025
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