Page 77 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 77


        •   “No  Smoking”  signs  will  be  posted  at  all  entrances   personal motor  vehicles, when used  in connection with
            and appropriate locations by the Office of Safety &   work performed  for  or on  behalf  of the  University.  On
            Security;                                exception to the prohibited consumption of alcohol is the
                                                     personal residence of an employee that is leased or owned
        •   This policy applies even in the absence of posted “No   by  the  University  and  where  the  occupant  has  a  liquor
            Smoking” signs.                          license.
        All visitors, contractors, and suppliers are required to   Disciplinary Action
        abide by the No Smoking Policy. Security Officers are   Violation of the above University policy will be subject to
        expected to inform students or visitors of the no smoking   campus disciplinary review and action, as follows:
        policy. However, they are not expected to enter into any
        confrontation which may put their safety at risk.  Students:
        Vehicles                                     The University community has established expectations
                                                     for academic and non-academic students who address the
        Smoking is not permitted in University vehicles or any other   illicit use of alcohol and other drugs as follows:
        vehicles being used on University business.
        Disciplinary Action                          The following behaviors contradict the values of the
                                                     University community and are subject to action under this
        Students & Employees who disregard the policy may be   Statement:
        subject to disciplinary action by University procedure.  •   Illegally possessing or using alcohol.
                                                     •   Illegally distributing, manufacturing, assumption or
        Abu Dhabi University prohibits the unlawful manufacture,   selling alcohol.
        distribution, dispensation,  sale, possession or use  of any
        drug by any of its students, employees in its workplace, on   •   Illegally possessing or using drugs.
        its premises or as part of any of its activities. This policy is   •   Illegally distributing, manufacturing, consumption or
        intended to supplement and not limit the provisions of any   selling drugs.
        other related policies.
                                                     The Statement is administered by the Safety & Security
        For this policy, the term “drug” includes:   Office. The department along with the Vice Chancellors
        •   Controlled substances, as defined in UAE laws, which   office is charged with facilitating the resolution process
            cannot be legally obtained               used to determine responsibility.
        •   Legally obtainable controlled substances which were   These measures cover a wide range of educational
            not legally obtained, including:         assignments and obligations, including but not limited
                                                     to suspension and expulsion from the institution. Safety
        1.   Prescribed drugs when the prescription is no    & Security office may delegate portions of the conduct
            longer valid;                            process to other units of the University who have a vested
                                                     interest in the conduct of smaller student communities
        2.   Prescribed drugs used contrary to the prescription;
                                                     (e.g., University Housing, Sports Department).
        3.   Prescribed drugs issued to another person.  Academic units of the University also may have written
                                                     or implied policies concerning the management of
        Alcohol                                      alcohol use and their response to the illicit use of alcohol
        Abu Dhabi University prohibits the dispensing, selling,   and other drugs in the academic setting. Students are
                                                     expected to know and understand these additional
        supplying and consumption of drugs or alcoholic beverages
        on University  property.  Employees,  students,  faculty   policies and abide by them.
        and campus visitors may not unlawfully manufacture,   Staff and Faculty:
        consume, possess, sell, distribute, transfer or be under the
        influence of alcohol, illicit drugs or controlled substances   Sanctions for violations by faculty and staff are governed by
        on University property, while driving a University vehicle or   policies within individual departments and any applicable
        while otherwise engaged in University business.  rules set  by University regulations  and  other applicable
                                                     policies or procedures. Appropriate sanctions may include
        University property, as defined in this policy, includes all   verbal or written warnings, a mandated rehabilitation
        buildings and land owned, leased, or used by the University,   program, probation, suspension, and termination. In each
        and motor vehicles operated by employees, including   case, there are likely to be different circumstances that are

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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