Page 138 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 138




        Introduction                                 Program Mission

        The College of Engineering (CoE) launched the Master of   The M.Sc. in Civil Engineering program aims at producing
        Science in Civil Engineering program in Fall 2013-2014   graduates who can (i) utilize and apply graduate level
        semester. Attainment of the degree requires the successful   knowledge of mathematics and engineering sciences to
        completion of 30 credit hours for graduation. Students   identify, formulate and solve civil engineering problems,(ii)
        must successfully complete  Master’s Research Thesis   develop the technical knowledge necessary for advanced
        with 9 credits. They must take 6 credits from a list of three   research and the skills needed for professional practice in
        required College/program core courses before attempting   the field of civil engineering, (iii) acquire an appreciation for
        any other course.  They must take 12-15 credits from the   and desire to pursue lifelong learning, (iv) Communicate
        program elective courses after consultation with their   effectively in a professional environment, (v) recognize the
        faculty advisor. The cumulative grade point average (CGPA)   professional and ethical responsibilities of the engineering
        of the student must be at least 3.0 out of 4.0 in order to   profession. Graduates with MSCE degree are desirable
        graduate. Upon successful completion of the program,   locally and internationally where new civil engineering
        students will receive a Master of Science in Civil Engineering   structures must be designed and built to support economic
        degree from the College of Engineering.      development and enhance the wellbeing of the society.

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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