Page 135 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 135


        planning, integration, scope management, scheduling,   Upon completion of the 6 core courses of the program,
        costing, contract management, progress communication   students will be offered two certificates from Abu
        to stakeholders, procurement management, ethical and   Dhabi University, the first one is a Certificate in Project
        legal aspects, and business and organizational principles.  Management Fundamentals, and the second is a Certificate
                                                     in Advanced Project Management.

         Program Component                         Courses                 Credit Hours
         Program Core                                  6                       18
         Management & Business Requirements            2                        6
         Program Electives                             2                        6
         Total                                        10                       30
        1 Electives: The six credit hours of program electives could be utilized by choosing anyone of the following two options:
        a. Research Project (3 credit hours) plus one program elective from either basket.
        b. Two courses from the Project Management Elective Basket
        Core Courses                                                                    18 Total Credit Hours
           Course                                         Credit
            Code                Course Title              Hours            Prerequisite(s)
          MEM 501   Project Management                      3               No Prerequisite
                    Project Planning, Integration, and Scope
          MPM 521   Management                              3               No Prerequisite
          MPM 531   Project Management Professionalism      3                 MEM 501
          MPM 541   Project Contract Management and Legal Aspects   3       No Prerequisite
          MPM 561   Project Scheduling and Time Management  3                 MEM 501
          MPM 581   Project Costing and Financial Management  3               MEM 501

        Management & Business Requirements (2 courses)

        Students will select one of the following themes:
           Course    Course
            Code      Code             Course Title        Credit Hours      Prerequisite(s)

         Theme 1:   MEM 502  Advanced Engineering Economics     3      GEN 484-PC*
         Economics &   FIN 512  Financial Management            3      GEN 484-PC*+ ACC 482 PC*
         Theme 2:            Human Resource Management in a
         Project HR   HRM 517  Global Environment               3      No Prerequisite
         and        MGT522   Leadership and Communication       3      No Prerequisite
        *Only required if coursework not taken at the undergraduate level

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