Page 130 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 130


        •   Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics Lab         competitiveness and the high employability of the College
        •   Soil Mechanics Lab
        •   Manufacturing CAD/CAM Lab                College of Engineering Program
        •   Thermofluids Lab                         Offering in Al-Ain Campus
        •   Control and Mechatronics Lab             The College of Engineering is commissioning this Fall a full
                                                     set of state of the art engineering laboratories housed in
        •   Machine Shop                             Abu Dhabi University’s new purpose-built  campus in  the
        •   Communications Lab                       booming city of Al-Ain. Like their Abu Dhabi counterparts, Al-
                                                     Ain students can now enroll to the  following postgraduate
        •   Microelectronics Lab                     academic programs that have been initially accredited by
        •   Circuits & Internet of Things Lab        the CAA:
        •   Power & Renewable Energy Lab             •              Master of Engineering Management
        •   Bio-Imaging and Machine Learning Lab     •              Master of Project Management
        •   Chemical Reaction Engineering &Process Control  Lab  •              Master of Science in Information Technology
        •   Process Technology & Instrumentation Lab
        •   Unit Operations Lab
        •   Model Making Lab
        •   General Purpose Computer Labs
        •   Computer-Aided Design Labs
        •   Networking & Cloud Computing Lab (Cisco Academy)
        •   Mobile & Security Lab
        •   scientific Air Traffic Management Lab (sATM)
        •   Classic Aviation Simulation Lab
        •   Drone Lab
        •   Artificial Intelligence Lab (Huawei Academy)

        College of Engineering in Al-Ain
        ADU has recently  commissioned a new state  of the art
        campus in the vibrant and booming city of Al-Ain. The COE
        is now fully equipped to deliver our quality programs in Al-
        Ain supported by a full suite of well-equipped engineering
        laboratories to better serve Al-Ain community and create
        the engineering talent highly needed by the growth in the
        local and global markets.
        Assessment and Curricular Review

        Programs  in  the  COE  are  constantly  up-to-date  thanks
        to robust and rich assessment practices at the program
        and course levels providing the feedback necessary for
        continuous improvement. The College is responsive
        to market and stakeholder needs. Elective and core
        courses in hot areas are constantly added to ensure the

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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