Page 129 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 129


        College Vision and Mission                   Co-Curricular Activities
        The vision of the COE is to be internationally recognized   Students in the college are offered learning and professional
        for high quality engineering education, applied research,   development opportunities beyond the classroom and
        innovation and contributions to advancing regional   the laboratory through numerous co-curricular activities
        development.                                 including field trips, competitions, exhibitions, invited talks,
                                                     seminars, training, conferences, and forums.  They have
        The mission of the COE at Abu Dhabi University is to   a track record of securing top places in major national
        educate highly qualified engineering graduates and   and international competitions throughout the academic
        conduct innovative applied research, meeting the industrial   year. The College empowers students by supporting the
        and economic development needs of the UAE, the region,   following professional student clubs, most of which are
        and the international community.             student branches of international professional societies:
        Objectives                                   •   Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
                                                         Student Branch
        The objectives of the COE are to:
                                                     •   American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
        1.   Be recognized as the center of academic excellence in   Student Section
            engineering education in UAE and one of the best in
            the Arab world;                          •   American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Student
        2.   Develop  and  maintain  comprehensive  engineering   •   American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AlChE)
            programs with world class curricula;
                                                         Student Chapter
        3.   Develop and maintain world-class facilities for   •   Architecture and Design Club
            engineering education;
        4.   Hire, motivate, and reward superior faculty members;  •   Aviation Club
        5.   Produce graduates with the ability to analyze, design,   •            Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Student
            test and implement high quality engineering solutions   Chapter
            for real-life problems;
        6.   Inculcate in students a sense of professional   Postgraduate Programs
            engineering and computer science ethics and full   The College offers the following postgraduate programs:
            accountability for their work;
                                                     •   Master of Engineering Management
        7.   Develop graduate programs and  increase  research
            and scholarly activity with focus on applied research;  •   Master of Project Management
        8.   Communicate and collaborate effectively with the UAE   •   Master of Science in information Technology
            society; and
        9.   Diversify financial resources           Faculty and Laboratories
                                                     To support the delivery of its programs, the College
        Curricular Structure                         hires highly qualified faculty members have international
                                                     academic and industrial experiences in their fields and
        Graduate programs curricula in the COE are designed   have obtained their Ph.D.’s from prominent universities in
        to meet the UAE Qualification Framework – Level 9. The   North America, Europe and Australia.
        programs offer both a breadth of advanced technical
        topics to produce well-rounded graduates and a depth   The College houses modern facilities and specialized
        through specialized advanced courses. Students customize   engineering in the new Umm Al Emarat Building in ADU’s
        their degrees to their aspirations through advanced   Abu Dhabi Campus. These labs are furnished with the
        technical and non-technical elective courses. Students also   state-of-the-art equipment and benches to help our
        complete a major project or original thesis as a culminating   students acquire the hands-on experience needed to
        experience before graduation. All COE graduate programs   pursue a successful professional engineering career. COE
        are completed in two years. Students who find themselves   labs include:
        needing to take additional courses to prepare for their   •   Environmental Engineering Lab
        graduate studies can do so from our wide spectrum of
        preparatory courses offered at the undergraduate-level.   •   Construction Materials & Structures Lab

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