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        Scientific Corner

        Will COVID-19 vaccines need to be adapted regularly?
        Dr. Michele Cherfane, Associate Professor of Public Health, Environmental and Public Health Department

        Influenza viruses undergo rapid genetic changes that enable them to evade the human immune system
        proficiently, preventing antibodies from being produced in response to an infection or vaccination to
        neutralize new viruses. This is why Influenza vaccines need to be evaluated every year to ensure they
        remain effective against new influenza viruses. Mutations within SARS-CoV-2 have already produced
        several variants, some of which (such as the South African variant) partially evade the body’s immune
        response. As a result, some vaccine manufacturers have already started to develop new versions of their

        In a study published in Virus Evolution, researchers from Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin compared
        the evolution of prevalent common cold coronaviruses with that of influenza viruses. The Charité
        virologists studied the genetic evolution of four well-known harmless cold coronaviruses responsible
        for approximately 10 percent of common colds. Like SARS-CoV-2, they enter human cells using a ‘spike
        protein,’ a surface protein that gives the virus its characteristic crown-like appearance (and name) and is
        the target of all current COVID-19 vaccines.

        The researchers focused on the two longest-known coronaviruses (termed 229E and OC43), tracing
        changes in the spike gene approximately 40 years into the past. Based on the mutations that occurred
        over  time,  they produced  phylogenetic  trees  for  both coronaviruses  and  compared  them  with  the
        phylogenetic tree of H3N2, an influenza subtype that is particularly effective at evading the human
        immune response.

        The scientists’ calculations revealed one common feature: all three viruses had a pronounced, ladder-like
        shape. They explained that “an asymmetrical tree of this kind likely results from the repeated replacement
        of one circulating virus variant by another which carried a fitness advantage.” In addition, this is evidence
        of ‘antigenic drift,’ which is a process involving changes in the surface structure, which enable viruses to
        evade the human immune response. These findings show that these common coronaviruses also evade
        the immune system, just like the influenza virus.

        However, another important factor that should be considered is the speed at which this evolutionary
        adaptation happens. While the influenza virus accumulated 25 mutations per 10,000 nucleotides per year,
        the common cold coronaviruses accumulated approximately six such mutations in the same time frame,
        a rate of change four times slower than that of the influenza virus.  SARS-CoV-2 is currently estimated
        to change at a rate of approximately ten mutations per 10,000 nucleotides per year, meaning the speed
        at which it evolves is substantially higher than that of common coronaviruses. Based on the rates of
        evolution seen in common cold coronaviruses, it is expected that SARS-CoV-2 will start to change more
        slowly once infections begin to decrease, meaning once a large proportion of the global population has
        developed immunity either as a result of infection or through vaccination. Therefore, it is expected that
        COVID-19 vaccines will need to be monitored regularly throughout the pandemic and updated where
        necessary. Once the situation has stabilized, vaccines are likely to remain effective for longer.

        6. Wendy K Jo, Christian Drosten, Jan Felix Drexler. The evolutionary dynamics of endemic human coronaviruses. Virus Evolution,
        2021; 7 (1) DOI: 10.1093/ve/veab020

        7. Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin. “Will COVID-19 vaccines need to be adapted regularly?.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 25 March

        Abu Dhabi University | The College of Health Sciences E-Magazine | Issue 2              2021-2022 Academic Year
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