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        Faculty Research/


        1.  Msheik Z., Nassar F., Chamandi G., Itani A., Gadaleta E., Chalala C., Alwan N., Nasr R. (2022). miR-126 decreases
           Proliferation and Mammosphere Formation of MCF-7 and predicts Prognosis of ER+ Breast Cancer. Diagnostics
           12, 745. diagnostics12030745.
        2.  Hassan H.F., Kordahi R., Dimassi H., Khoury A., Daou R., Alwan N., Merhi S., Haddad J., Karam L. (2022). Aflatoxin
           B1 in rice: effects of storage duration, grain type and size, production site and season. Journal of Food Protection
           doi: 10.4315/JFP-21-434.
        3.  Assi M., Onaissy N., Sakr F., Cherfane M., Akiki Z., Dabbous M., Akel M., Safwan J. (2022). Smoking habits,
           attitudes and determinants among university aged population: Comparison of pharmacy and non-pharmacy
           students from a private university in Lebanon. Pharmacy Education, 22(1), p. 523–532.
        4.  Safwan J., Cherfane M., Dabbous M., Hammoudi D., Akiki Z., Saade F., Akel M., Younes S., Rahal M., Bouraad E.,
           Sakr F. (2022). Faculty perceptions on online education in a school of pharmacy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
           Pharmacy Education, 22(1), p. 450–457.
        5.  Hoffmann C., Gerber P.A., Cavelti-Weder C., Licht L.,  Kotb  R.,  AlDweik  R.,  Cherfane  M., Bornstein S.,
           Perakakis N. (2022). Liver, NAFLD and COVID-19. Hormone and metabolic research = Hormon- und
           Stoffwechselforschung = Hormones et metabolisme, 10.1055/a-1834-9008. Advance online publication. https://
        6.  Hassan A. (2022). Diffusion of Innovation in Sustainable Development Projects: A Proposed Integrative Model.
           Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, 11 (2), 26-44.
        7.  Ajaj R., Abu Jadayil W., Anver H., Aqil E. (2022). A Revision for the Different Reuses of Polyethylene Terephthalate
           (PET) Water Bottles. Sustainability. 14(8):4583.
        8.  Hamdi A., Prchal, J.T. (2022). Hereditary and Acquired Sideroblastic Anemias. William Hematology, The Manuel,
           059-061. McGraw-Hill.
        9.  Alhusaini M.,  Eissa N., Saad A.K., Beiram R., Sadek B. (2022). Revisiting Preclinical Observations of Several
           Histamine H3 Receptor Antagonists/Inverse Agonists in Cognitive Impairment, Anxiety, Depression, and Sleep–
           Wake Cycle Disorder. Front. Pharmacol. 13:861094. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.861094.
        10. Kanabekova P., Al-Awadi A.M., Bauyrzhanova Z., Tahtouh T., Sarray S., Almawi W.Y. (2022). Genetic variation in
           progesterone receptor gene and ovarian cancer risk: A case control study. Gene. 820:146288. doi: 10.1016/j.
        11. Tahtouh T., Durieu E., Villiers B., Bruyère C., Nguyen T.L., Fant X., Ahn K.H., Khurana L., Deau E., Lindberg M.F.,
           Sévère E., Miège F., Roche D., Limanton E., L’helgoual’ch J.M., Burgy G., Guihéneuf S., Hérault Y., Kendall D.A.,
           Carreaux F., Bazureau J.P., Meijer L. (2022). Structure/activity relationship in the leucettine family of kinase
           inhibitors. J. Med. Chem. 65, 1396-1417. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.1c01141.
        12. Reis M., Siomava N., Wimmer E.A., Posnien N. (2021). Conserved and Divergent Aspects of Plasticity and Sexual
           Dimorphism in Wing Size and Shape in Three Diptera. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9:660546. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.660546.
        13. Chahine B., Cherfane M., Sakr F., Safwan J., Dabbous M., Akel M., Rahal M. (2021). Community pharmacists’
           perceptions and role in the management of common dermatological problems in Lebanon: a cross-sectional
           study, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Volume 29, Issue 6, Pages 573–579,
        14. Hassan  A. (2021). Safety Management in Sustainable Construction Projects: A Conceptual Framework.
           International Journal of Global Sustainability, 5 (1), 55-71.
        15. Hassan A. (2021). Innovation Competencies and Sustainability: A Proposed Model for Project Team Members.
           International Journal of Regional Development, 8 (2), pp. 21-35.
        16. Hamdi A., Prchal, J.T. (2021). The Red Cell and its Diseases. William Hematology, 385-394. McGraw-Hill1. https://
        17. Khazaal W., Taliani M., Boutros C., Abou-Abbas L., Hosseini H., Salameh P., Sadier N.S. (2021). Psychological
           Complications at 3 Months Following Stroke: Prevalence and Correlates Among Stroke Survivors in Lebanon.
           Front Psychol. 12:663267. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.663267.
        18. Mortada I., Farah R., Nabha S., Ojcius D.M., Fares Y., Almawi W.Y., Sadier N.S. (2021). Immunotherapies for
           Neurodegenerative Diseases. Front Neurol. 12:654739. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.654739.

        Abu Dhabi University | The College of Health Sciences E-Magazine | Issue 2              2021-2022 Academic Year
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