Page 5 - ASC Highlights
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                                Ms. Beena Vijayavalsalan- Coordinator of ASC AD
                                While we have the ASC up and running on-line, it would be remiss of me if I said that I did not miss
                                meeting the freshmen and students face to face. There were students constantly coming in and
                                leaving the center and tutors constantly brainstorming to organize different events. I miss the electric
                                energy on the air when you are sitting with the students discussing coursework and coordinating
                                activities. I do hope sooner rather than later that we can all come together and not just meet each
                                other in virtual boxes. It will no doubt be a landmark day!

        Huda Sawafta – Academic Tutor
        As an ADU Alumni and current staff member, I have proudly watched the ASC grow over the past few
        years. It has grown remarkably and is now a huge part of the ADU community, in my opinion. I was
        part of the ASC as a Peer Tutor while I was a freshman at ADU and now after becoming an Academic
        Tutor, it is safe to say that this is one of the most enriching experiences I have ever been through!
        Of course, these two roles hold different responsibilities, but they both have the same end goal –
        supporting students, whether they are tutees or part of the ASC Team. One of the greatest feelings
        I experienced was whenever tutees came back to me after finishing an assessment and expressed
        how grateful they were for the support that was offered during the tutoring sessions. The feeling of
        giving back is by far the most rewarding and fulfilling.

                                Waleed Ihsan Ul Haq – Academic Tutor
                                I received an email from one of my instructors inquiring if helping other students by tutoring
                                them is something that would interest me. It was the third year of my graduate program when I
                                enthusiastically joined the Academic Success Center as a Peer Tutor for math courses. At present, I
                                am one of the five Academic Tutors leading teams of students to tutor, mentor, retain and engage
                                students. What ASC does is just like planting trees, where our team nurtures freshmen in particular
                                and prepares students for the world.

        Feda Mustafa – Academic Tutor
        A cherished moment need not necessarily be a moment of huge significance. It could simply be a
        moment that leaves a lasting impact. I have so many of these with my mentees but one that stayed
        with me was when I could evidently see a student progress not just academically but emotionally. I
        was able to help a student cope with a lower grade and rather than getting defensive, keep calm and
        work towards rectifying the learning process. Not only did the student do better but also came and
        thanked me for helping her deal with the disappointment. I was able to offer constructive advice and
        see a student develop which was genuinely gratifying.

        Abu Dhabi University | Academic Success Center Highlights Spring 2021
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