Page 4 - ASC Highlights
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         To become the hub         I would like to see the ASC   I hope that the ASC     I hope the ASC starts an
         for students’ academic    offer self-development     makes it on TV one day     innovation centre to help
         aspirations, led by       conferences, such as “Ted   because of its outstanding   outstanding students with
         outstanding, qualified    Talks” on social media.    accomplishments!           their research and turn
         academic tutors, course                                                         their dream into reality!
         assistants, peer tutors   Mariam Abdul Samea         Tasneem Khaled             Maryam Abdisalam
         and peer mentors.
         Ms. Deenaz Kanji
         Coordinator of ASC AA

         I hope to see the ASC     I highly wish to see ASC in   I would like to see the ASC   I hope that the ASC’s
         branch out and expand     a very stable position so   offer certified programs   tutoring and mentoring
         its team and services to   that it not only provides   that help improve career   services become available
         become an essential part   its facilities to Abu Dhabi   skills for senior students   online to students all over
         of each university in the   university students but   and alumni.               the world!
         UAE.                      also to the students of    Alvina Ashraf              Elen Abuowda
                                   other universities.        Mohammad Ashraf
         Sadaf Salim Lokhande
                                   Reem Munawar Ali

         I would like to see the   I wish to see the ASC      I wish to see the ASC      I wish to see more in-
         ASC offer development     organize huge educational   offering workshops        house events organized
         and training programs     trips in collaboration with   related to programs that   in collaboration with
         for individuals who are   universities around the    will come in handy during   well-known motivational
         planning on pursuing      world. It would be a great   university years such as  speakers.
         their career in academics.  opportunity to bond with   Microsoft and Adobe in
                                   the team and learn about   collaboration with other   Ahmed Jasim
         Sara Herzallah
                                   different cultures and     outstanding universities in
                                   different learning styles   the UAE.
                                   used abroad!               Mostafa Ashraf
                                   Joaquin Rafael

                                   I would like to see the ASC   Academic excellence is
                                   host events in schools or   a continuous process of
                                   educational organizations   growth in knowledge,
                                   on various topics such     experience, in life and
                                   as how to manage time      above all, personality
                                   to help with academics.    development. I wish that
                                   This could lead to more    the Academic Success
                                   students selecting ADU     Center (ASC)’s works
                                   because of its immense     meticulously towards
                                   support for students’      helping students in their
                                   success.                   endeavors with diligent
                                                              support and guidance.
                                   Mohammed Shehab
                                                              Shagufta Siffat

        Abu Dhabi University | Academic Success Center Highlights Spring 2021
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