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 Office personnel, and the appropriate Coordinator, Head   at the scheduled times.  Implementation  involving an SGC member is discovered by another SGC
 of Department, or Dean, all of whom are expected to assist   member during proceedings, the member involved may
 with communication and mediation.  •   Have instructors who schedule reasonable office   The Head of Student Support  Office or the  designee  will   pardon him/ herself from the committee or be excused by
 hours for student conferences  be responsible for the implementation of this policy. The   the Chair.
 In cases where the informal meetings prove unsuccessful   implementation will comprise six phases:
 or unsatisfactory, the grievant has the right to file a formal   •   Have instructors who post their office hours on their   Should a disagreement arise between a committee
 grievance that complies with the terms of this policy and   office doors and in the syllabus.  1.   The  Head  of  Student  Support  Office  forwards  and   member and the Chair as to whether or not a committee
 its procedures.  •   Have instructors who do not discriminate by personal   discusses the grievance with the Provost before   member should be excused on the grounds of a conflict of
 prejudices, race, color, gender, religion, age, disability,   forming a Student Grievance Committee (SGC). If   interest, a resolution will be sought by a majority vote.
 Definitions  or national origin.  the Provost can reach a solution which satisfies
            the grievant, the grievance will be closed. Campus   SGC committee members may not also serve on any
 This policy uses the following definitions:  •   Participate anonymously in the process of evaluating   Directors play the role of the Provost in their campuses.  Appeals Committee appointed by the Chancellor.
 Grievance: A request by a student for a formal investigation   the effectiveness of instructors.  2.   The SGC will comprise:  Appeals
 of decisions or actions by a faculty or staff member of the   •   Be given privacy, without improper disclosure of
 University that are perceived to be wrong, mistaken, unjust,   personal information from academic, counseling,      a.  The Provost, or designee, who will serve as a    •   The Grievant shall have the right to appeal the SGC
 discriminatory and in violation of the rights of the student.  disciplinary, financial, and medical records held by the   Chair.  report to the Chancellor through the Head of Student
 Grievant: The person(s) who submits the grievance.  University, although the University, in loco parentis,      b.  The Dean of a college other than the    Support Office. This appeal must be in written form
 may share such records with a student’s parent or      concerned college  (to be named by the    and filed within five (5) days.
 Faculty: Members of the University faculty including part-  guardian.     Provost),  who will serve as a member.  •   The Chancellor will review the SGC report to determine
 time, full-time and non-regular faculty, such as visiting and   •   Start and join clubs and sports teams, with the prior   whether the evidence and the process used to support
 adjunct faculty.     c.  One student, representing the Student    the recommendations.
 knowledge and approval of Student Engagement and      Council   will serve as a member. Decisions will
 Employee:  A person  officially employed by Abu  Dhabi   Development Office.     be made on the basis of formal votes, in all cases.  •   The Chancellor shall have the discretion to:
 University in any capacity.
 •   Promote their common interests through collective   3.   Final decision/recommendations will be shared with   a. uphold the SGC recommendation(s);
 Instructor: Any person employed by the University who   advocacy, such as via the Students’ Council  the concerned Department Head/Dean by the Provost.
 teaches a class, including part- time, full- time and non-   b. averse the recommendation(s);
 regular instructors such as visiting and adjunct instructors.  •   Be treated with respect and courtesy by Abu Dhabi   4.   Final decision/recommendations will be shared with
 University employees.  the grievant by the Head of the Student Support   c. refer the case back to the Student Grievance Committee
 Respondent: The person or persons cited in the grievance.  Office.   for reconsideration de novo; or
 Staff:  Any non-teaching employee of the University,   5.   Any appeal concerning this report must be forwarded   d. uphold the recommendations of the SGC, with whatever
 including students.  Confidentiality will be upheld by all parties to the highest   by the Head of Student Support Office to the Chancellor   modification deemed reasonable.
 Student: Any person who is registered for classes at Abu   degree possible at all stages of the grievance. This means   in writing within 5 working days of the grievant’s   The Chancellor’s decision shall be conveyed to the Grievant
 that no issue regarding the grievance will be discussed with
            receipt of the final decision/recommendations.
 Dhabi University.                                   and the concerned Department Head/Dean by the Head
 any person who is not directly involved in the investigation.
        6.   The Chancellor will make a final decision within five   of Student Support Office or the designee and filed by the
 Students’ Complaints and Rights  A student may not submit a formal grievance in the   working  days  of  receiving  the  appeal  or,  in  cases   Head of Student Support Office.
 following circumstances:  where due process has been shown not to have been
 •   Access the syllabus of each course they study,   followed, direct that the SGC hear the case de novo.  Housing and Residence Life
 particularly the assessment methods and criteria that   •   A grievance is against another student(s) - such
 are used to measure the achievement of the intended   grievances should be processed by the Code of   Abu Dhabi University - Abu Dhabi Campus offers residence
 learning outcomes of the course.  Conduct.  Student Grievance Committee Rules  units of different classifications, all of which are apartment/
 •   Express  their  ideas  in  class  that  is  relevant  to  the   •   A grievance is against personnel decisions.  The following conditions and processes apply:  studio type which is housed in buildings with 24/7 security
                                                     and security system. Student dormitories are separated
 subject matter, subject to the need for the instructor   Student Grievance Forms must be held on behalf of the   regarding gender, in observance of the Gender Segregation
 to maintain order, manage the learning process, and   •   A grievance is against grades awarded in particular   SGC, and made available to students on request, by the   Policy of the university. These residences are strategically
 to stays on schedule.  courses or academic decisions regarding academic   Student Support Office.  located within the ADU Campus, creating an atmosphere
 work unless there is an element of harassment and
 •   Receive reasonable assignments that are graded   discrimination involved in the claim.  A grievance must be submitted via the Student Support   most conducive to learning and comfort of students.
 using only the methods and criteria indicated in the   Office within two weeks  of the day in which the event   A Residence Life Coordinator and Security Personnel who
 syllabus.  •   A grievance is based on the same or similar
 circumstances that are pending resolution or have   allegedly took place or the decision was taken.  are available 24/7 to cater to students’ requests and other
 •   Be told about the nature of the material that will be   been resolved or are under adjudication and involve   The Student Support Office is to place all grievances on file,   needs man each dormitory. Due to health and hygiene
 included in any graded examination.  the same student.  on behalf of the SGC, along with other pertinent grievance   purposes, pets are not allowed in the dormitories. Curfew
                                                     hours are applied to ensure student safety and promote a
 •   Check  and  discuss  their  graded  examinations  and   •   A grievance is against a University policy or procedures,   documents and the determinations made by the SGC, and   secure environment of campus living.
 papers with their instructors.  or a University employee is acting in compliance with   Chancellor.
 those policies/procedures.                          Types of Units:
 •   Have instructors who attend their classes on time and   If  an  SGC  member  declares  or  discovers  a  conflict  of
        interest during proceedings, or a conflict of interest   Private Room:

 Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Handbook 2023 - 2024  Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Handbook 2023 - 2024
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