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        Vehicles                                     Students:                                                violation and recommends either dismissing the case,   Sanctions
                                                                                                              deciding a penalty (verbal or written warning) or raising the
        Smoking is not permitted in University vehicles or any other   The University community has established expectations   case to a disciplinary committee.   Students and student organizations are expected to abide
        vehicles being used on University business.  for academic and non-academic students who address the                                                by all Abu Dhabi University policies. If the policies and
                                                     illicit use of alcohol and other drugs as follows:       The University Disciplinary Committee consists of the Head   procedures of the University are not followed, students and
        Disciplinary Action                                                                                   of Student Affairs, concerned College Dean, Registrar and   organizations will be held accountable and subject to the
                                                     The following behaviors contradict the values of the     two students representing the men and women’s Student
        Students & Employees who disregard the policy may be   University community and are subject to action under this   Councils or their appropriate representatives.  following disciplinary actions:
        subject to disciplinary action by University procedure.  Statement:                                                                                1.   A reprimand is official written notification of
        Drugs                                        •   Illegally possessing or using alcohol.               Appeal Right                                     unacceptable behavior and violation of the Student
                                                                                                                                                               Code of Conduct. Any student having a record of
        Abu Dhabi University prohibits the unlawful manufacture,   •   Illegally distributing, manufacturing, assumption or   A student has the right to appeal the decision made by   violating the Student Code of Conduct will automatically
        distribution, dispensation, sale, possession  or use of any   selling alcohol.                        the Disciplinary Committee. The student should submit a   be removed from Honor’s List. Any further misconduct
        drug by any of its students, employees in its workplace, on   •   Illegally possessing or using drugs.  request for an appeal within three (3) calendar days from   may result in more serious disciplinary actions.
        its premises or as part of any of its activities. This policy is                                      his/her receipt of findings to the Head of Student Support   2.   Disciplinary Probation is a conditional status
        intended to supplement and not limit the provisions of any   •   Illegally distributing, manufacturing, consumption or   Office.                       imposed for a designated period. Further violation
        other related policies.                          selling drugs.                                       An appeal panel is formed by the Head of Student Support   of the Student Code of Conduct while on probation
        For this policy, the term “drug” includes:   The Statement is administered by the Safety & Security   Office and consists of five (5) members and shall include   will be subject to more serious disciplinary action.
                                                     Office. The department along with the Vice Chancellors   two (2) faculty (one from the concerned student’s college   Disciplinary probation may place specific restrictions
        •   Controlled substances, as defined in UAE laws, which   office is charged with facilitating the resolution process   and one from another college), one (1) staff, one (1) student   on the student or organization. These may vary with
            cannot be legally obtained               used to determine responsibility.                        and the Provost, serving as the chair of the committee. The   each case and may include but are not limited to
        •   Legally obtainable controlled substances which were   These measures cover a wide range of educational   Appeal Panel may request a personal appearance of the   restriction from participating in athletic activities and
                                                                                                                                                               or campus activities.
                                                                                                              concerned  student  for  the  sole  purpose  of  addressing
            not legally obtained, including:         assignments and obligations, including but not limited   issues raised by the appeal. Campus Directors will play the
        1.   Prescribed drugs when the prescription is no    to suspension and expulsion from the institution. Safety   Provost’s role in appeal panels for cases concerning their   3.   Restitution:  Replacement or payment for incurred
            longer valid;                            & Security office may delegate portions of the conduct   campuses.
                                                     process to other units of the University who have a vested                                            4.   The suspension is the loss of privileges of enrollment
        2.   Prescribed drugs used contrary to the prescription;  interest in the conduct of smaller student communities   The Appeal Panel will review the findings of fact and   at Abu Dhabi University for a designated period. A
                                                     (e.g., University Housing, Sports Department).           recommended sanctions reported by the disciplinary
        3.   Prescribed drugs issued to another person.                                                       committee and may:                               student’s suspension shall not exceed one calendar
                                                     Academic units of the University also may have written                                                    year following the sanction. A student organization’s
        Alcohol                                      or implied policies concerning the management of         1.   Hearings. Training for the hearing procedures shall be   suspension  is  a temporary revocation  of  University
                                                     alcohol use and their response to the illicit use of alcohol   conducted before the implementation of the policy.  recognition. A student organization suspension  will
        Abu Dhabi University prohibits the dispensing, selling,   and other drugs in the academic setting. Students are   2.   The appeal panel shall consist of five (5) members   not exceed five years. A student serving suspension
        supplying and consumption of drugs or alcoholic beverages   expected to know and understand these additional   and shall include two (2) faculty (one from the student   is restricted of the access to the university for the
        on University  property.  Employees,  students,  faculty   policies and abide by them.                    college and one from another college), one (1) staff,   duration of the sanction unless approval has been
        and campus visitors may not unlawfully manufacture,                                                       one (1) student and the Provost, serving as the chair   secured from Student Support Services. While on
        consume, possess, sell, distribute, transfer or be under the   Staff and Faculty:                         of the committee.                            suspension, students are unable to transfer credit
        influence of alcohol, illicit drugs or controlled substances   Sanctions for violations by faculty and staff are governed by                           hours  for  courses  taken  in  other  universities  or
        on University property, while driving a University vehicle or   policies within individual departments and any applicable      a.   Members of the Appeal Panel shall be drawn    educational institutions.
        while otherwise engaged in University business.  rules set by University  regulations and other applicable      from a pool of faculty, staff, and students who    5.   Expulsion is the permanent loss of privileges of
        University property, as defined in this policy, includes all   policies or procedures. Appropriate sanctions may include      have completed the  approved hearing training.  enrollment at Abu Dhabi University.
        buildings and land owned, leased, or used by the University,   verbal or written warnings, a mandated rehabilitation   3.   The Head of Student Support Office or designee shall
        and motor vehicles operated by employees, including   program, probation, suspension, and termination. In each   direct the appeal to the Appeal Panel within seven (7)   Student Grievances Policies and Procedures
        personal motor  vehicles, when used  in connection with   case, there are likely to be different circumstances that are   calendar days of receipt of the appeal.
        work performed  for  or on  behalf  of the  University.  On   relevant for understanding the situation and determining                             Abu Dhabi University aims to foster the values of respect,
        exception to the prohibited consumption of alcohol is the   the appropriate sanction.                 4.   The Appeal Panel may request a personal appearance   integrity, fairness, and transparency among staff, faculty,
        personal residence of an employee that is leased or owned   Under the supervision of the Vice-Chancellor, action should   of the student/organization charged for the sole   and students. There are occasions, however, when conflicts
                                                                                                                  purpose of
        by  the  University  and  where  the  occupant  has  a  liquor   be  taken  in  the  best  interests  of  the  University,  student,               arise which require resolution. Such conflicts are normally
        license.                                     and employee, keeping in view the government laws and           a.  dismiss the charges;              resolved informally and in good faith between individuals
                                                     regulations.                                                                                          and groups through conflict resolution processes.
        Disciplinary Action                                                                                          b.  affirm the recommended sanctions; and  To this end, Abu Dhabi University encourages informal
        Violation of the above University policy will be subject to   Disciplinary Committee                         c. uphold or impose a lesser sanction than was    meetings  between a  grievant(s)  and the  respondent(s).
        campus disciplinary review and action, as follows:                                                               recommended.                      Abu Dhabi University also encourages the involvement of
                                                     Depending  on  each  case’s  severity,  the  Student  Conduct                                         third parties; such as Student Council, Student Support
                                                     Officer  evaluates  the  findings  of  the  code  of  conduct

        Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Handbook 2023 - 2024                                             Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Handbook 2023 - 2024
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