Page 74 - Undergraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 74
Abu Dhabi University Expectations Be accompanied by an advisor or parent. (The advisor or
Abu Dhabi University is committed to being an academic parent may not speak or participate directly in the conduct
community. This includes care, cooperation and adherence process. This includes questioning witnesses or making
to standards of behavior for all who are part of this arguments on the student’s behalf);
community. For this community to flourish, the following Have witnesses who present information on his/her behalf;
expectations of behavior have been established: Question any statements or witnesses presented;
Challenge the objectivity of the hearing body in case of
1. Abu Dhabi University expects responsible conduct conflict of interest; and
by students and student organizations, both on and • Appeal the outcome of hearing on the following grounds:
off campus, as a necessary condition for continued a. the procedures under which the student/
membership at Abu Dhabi University. organization is charged are invalid or not
2. Students and student organizations are expected to followed;
be responsible members of a diverse community, and b. the student/organization did not have
honor and respect differences of culture, lifestyle, and adequate opportunity to prepare and present a
religion. defense;
3. Academic integrity and honesty are basic values of c. the evidence presented at the hearing was
the University. Students and student organizations not substantial to justify the decision; or
are expected to follow the student code of conduct
standards of academic integrity, and honesty listed in d. the sanction imposed was not in keeping with
ADU’s Student Academic Integrity Policy. the gravity of the violation.
4. The ADU campus, its grounds, facilities and equipment
are provisions for students of ADU. Students and Student Responsibilities
student organizations are expected to respect and use The following acts are prohibited and may result in
them responsibly. This includes the use of the library, disciplinary actions:
residence halls, classroom buildings, laboratories, and
the campus as a whole. 1. Acting or conducting oneself in a way that obstructs
or hinders the application and enforcement of the
Student Rights Student Code of Conduct;
As members of the University Community, students can 2. Trespassing, forcefully entering university-owned,
reasonably expect all of the guarantees and protections leased or controlled premises without permission;
which include the right to: 3. Destroying or vandalizing personal and/or public
1. A fair process, guaranteeing both substantive rights property;
and equitable procedures in all matters pursuant to
the Student Code of Conduct; 4. Unauthorized use of computer system or access
2. Remain free from discrimination on the basis of race, codes;
ethnicity, gender, age, religion, creed, national origin 5. Stealing property, including intellectual property, of
or disability; the university, its members, or visitors;
3. Engage in inquiry and discussion, to exchange thought
and opinion, and to speak or write on any subject in 6. Knowingly giving false information to an Abu Dhabi
University official;
accordance with federal and local laws;
4. Readily access established university policies and 7. Willfully failing to comply with reasonable directions
procedures; and of university officials (i.e. faculty, staff and other
5. Have protection from unreasonable search and employees of Abu Dhabi University);
seizure. 8. Committing an academic offense listed in the Student
When a student/organization is charged with a violation of Academic Integrity Policy;
the Student Code of Conduct, that student/organization 9. Disrupting classroom activity and other university
has the right to: functions;
Receive advance notice of the alleged violation, be informed
of who to contact for a meeting, and the date by which the 10. Disrupting the operations of the university by an
contact must occur; action or combination of actions that interfere or
Present his/her version of the events in question; prevent others from freely participating in an activity
or program given by the university; and
Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025