Page 43 - Undergraduate Handbook 2024-25
P. 43
If the student meets the requirements, a committee 2. The course is offered but conflicts with another
comprised of the Provost, Dean of the concerned college, required course.
and the Registrar will look into the request and make The course to be taken outside Abu Dhabi University has
a decision on a case to case basis. In some cases, an
interview with the student may be required. The committee to be equivalent to an ADU course, as defined in the credit
transfer policy. The respective College advisor will evaluate
will evaluate the student’s Abu Dhabi University transcripts
and course syllabi. the student’s request against the above conditions. If the
student meets the conditions specified above and are in
compliance with the university’s residency requirements,
Independent Study his/ her request will be forwarded to the College Dean
along with all the supporting documents. If approved, the
An independent study course is a course that involves Office of the Registrar will issue a Letter of Approval to the
one-on-one interactions between a student and a faculty other academic institution.
member which enables a student to undertake a learning
opportunity which is otherwise unavailable. Independent
study courses must have an appropriate learning plan Course Load Limitation
(typically a syllabus) learning outcomes, end of term Full time undergraduate students carry a minimum load
evaluations and appropriate assessment.
of 12 credit hours per semester. Part time undergraduate
Independent Study is open to students who have earned students carry a load of less than 12 credit hours per
more than half of the credit hours in the program of semester.
study with at least a 3.0 CGPA. Students may not register 1. The maximum number of credit hour per semester is
for Independent Study for the purpose of making up 18.
deficiencies resulting from failures in other courses.
2. A student may register for up to a maximum of 6
A student must have the Independent Study approved at credit hours in any summer or winter term.
the department and college level prior to registration. The
student must submit, to the relevant department chair, the Exceptions
description of the Independent Study course and the basis
for the final grade, and the proposal must be endorsed Exceptions to these limits can only be made for a maximum
by the faculty member who will supervise the work and of an additional 3 credits if students are in their final
assign the grade. The proposal must then be approved graduation semester or term.
by the department chair and the dean. Departments may Undergraduate students who are under academic
set additional criteria that students must meet in order to probation have to abide by the load specified in the relevant
register for Independent Study. Academic Standing Policy.
Independent study is only allowed for undergraduate
studies, and only in rare cases. Undergraduate students Graduation Requirements
may not register for more than six credits of Independent Undergraduate students must successfully complete all
Study in a student’s program. Independent Study may not course requirements, as well as other academic activities
be used to award credit for off-campus work which is not assigned to their specialized study plan. The CGPA of each
under the direct supervision of an Abu Dhabi University undergraduate student must be at least 2.0 out of 4.0.
faculty member.
Students must complete the Application for Graduation
Form online no later than the end of the second week of
Credits Earned at other the semester (first week in the case of Winter/Summer
semester graduation) in order to be eligible for graduation
Academic Institutions at the end of that semester.
Continuing Abu Dhabi University students with good
academic standing who wish to enroll in courses at other Applying for Graduation
institutions where the credit earned will be used to fulfill Undergraduate students graduating from Abu Dhabi
degree requirements at Abu Dhabi University must satisfy University must officially file an application online for
one of the following conditions that delay the student’s graduation at the beginning of the semester in which
graduation: they plan to graduate. The Office of the Registrar does not
1. The course is not offered in the current semester and initiate the diploma preparation until a student officially
not taking it, will delay the graduation; files for graduation.
Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Handbook 2024 - 2025