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        Grade Change                                 Transcripts                                              1.   Faculty member teaching the course;     majors must first satisfy the entry requirements of both
                                                                                                              2.   Chairperson of the department in which the course is   majors and then must take all the courses required for
        These events may result in a change of the final grade of    Transcripts are the chronological, permanent and the most   offered; and              both majors. The total number of credits a student must
        students:                                    complete student educational record. Incompletes, failures                                            take to complete the two majors can be no less than 30
                                                     and withdrawals; academic standing and all academic      3.   Dean of the college in which the course is offered.  credits above the number of credit hours in the major with
        1.   A grade appeal request by the student (after an   awards; majors, minors and concentrations are recorded                                      the greater number of required credits.
            “informal” discussion with the faculty member); and  thereon.                                     The consultation(s) should take place as soon as possible
                                                                                                              after the final grade or the relevant component grade is
        2.   An error in calculating the student’s final grade is   Students who have not settled their financial tuition/fees   released. It is assumed that the department chairpersons   Second Baccalaureate Degree
            discovered.                              or other obligations to ADU will not be issued transcripts.  and the deans will make every effort to resolve the grade
        3.   An “I” or “IP” grade will be changed when the actual                                             appeal.                                      This stipulates the requirements for students to earn a
                                                                                                                                                           second baccalaureate degree at ADU.
            grade is released.                       Graduation with Honors                                   In the case of a final course grade appeal, if the matter is
        The time limit for changing a grade is one semester from                                              not resolved, the student may proceed to the Committee   1.   The students who have completed their first
                                                                                                              Grade Appeal process as soon as possible but no later than
        the date the grades are posted by the Registrar.  ADU  grants  Latin  honors  to  eligible  students  graduating   the  start  of  the  early  registration  period  in  the  following   baccalaureate degree at Abu Dhabi University and
                                                     from undergraduate programs.  The eligibility requirement   regular semester.                             wish to earn another baccalaureate must meet the
                                                                                                                                                               admission requirements for the second baccalaureate
        Semester Grade Point Average                 is to achieve a CGPA of 3.5 or above.                    Committee Grade Appeal Process:                  at the time of admission. The application by an ADU
                                                     The titles of the Latin honors and the corresponding CGPA’s                                               baccalaureate degree holder for admission into a
        A student’s semester  grade  point average (SGPA) is   are as follows:                                The student may initiate a Committee Appeal Process   second baccalaureate degree program can be made
        obtained by dividing the total quality points earned in a                                             by filing the Grade Appeal Form with the Office of the   only after the Office of the Registrar has certified that
        given semester by the total number of credit hours taken in   Cum laude: 3.50-3.69                    Registrar. The form must be submitted prior to the   the student has completed all of the requirements for
        that semester. Quality points of any course are calculated   Magna cum laude: 3.70-3.89               beginning of the early registration period in the regular   the first baccalaureate degree (i.e. an ADU student
        by multiplying the number of credit hours of that course by   Summa cum laude: 3.90-4.00              semester subsequent to the semester in which the grade   cannot be working on two baccalaureate degrees at
        the earned grade points of the same course.                                                           in question was given.                           one time).
                                                     Honors are listed in the student transcript and the diploma
        Courses with grades of “P”, “I”, “IP”, “T”, “W”, “WA”, and “H” are   certificate.                     The  Office  of  the  Registrar will  forward  the  form  to  the   2.   The student must meet all the subject area
        excluded from computing the SGPA.  The semester credit                                                college dean, who will refer the Grade Appeal Form to a   requirements for the second baccalaureate degree
        hours for which a grade of “I”, “IP” or “H” is assigned are   Non-honors Academic Classification for Undergraduates   committee of faculty selected by the dean. The committee   with a minimum of 30 credit hours that are specific to
        excluded from computing the grade-point average until it   according to student’s CGPA upon graduation:  will review the student’s performance in the course.  This   the second baccalaureate degree.
        is replaced by a letter grade.                  Satisfactory: 2.0 - 2.49                              review may include interviews with the student and the
                                                        Good: 2.5 - 2.99                                      faculty member teaching the course. The chair of the   3.   In all cases, if a course is required in both baccalaureate
        Cumulative Grade Point Average                  Very Good: 3.0 - 3.49                                 committee will forward the grade recommendation to the   degrees, it will not be counted as part of the credit
                                                                                                              college dean for final approval. There are three possible
                                                                                                                                                               hours required to earn a second baccalaureate
        A student’s cumulative grade point average (CGPA)                                                     outcomes to an individual grade appeal:          degree. Furthermore, courses used to meet program
        indicates a student’s achievement in all courses taken  Dean’s List                                                                                    requirements  are  subject  to  review  and  approval  by
        at ADU until the end of a given semester. The CGPA is                                                 1.   The original grade is upheld;               the college. The student may be required to repeat
        obtained by dividing the total quality points earned from   ADU is committed to recognizing academic excellence by   2.   The grade is lowered relative to the original; and  courses taken earlier that no longer apply towards the
        the initial enrollment at ADU to the end of the given   publishing the Dean’s List at the beginning of every regular                                   requirements of the second baccalaureate degree.
                                                     semester according to the Semester Grade Point Average
        semester by the total number of credit hours taken until   (SGPA) attained by outstanding students. Any student who   3.   The grade is raised relative to the original.
        the end of that semester. Courses with grades “P”, “I”, “IP”,   is registered with full-time status and achieves an SGPA of
        “W”, “WA”, and “H” are excluded from computing the CGPA.   3.50 or above, with no Incompletes (I) in that given semester,   The decision of the dean is final. The Grade Appeal Form
        Courses transferred from another college/university  will   no disciplinary action and/or no academic integrity violation   will be returned to the Office of the Registrar to inform the
        appear on the student’s transcript with a “T” grade and will   will be eligible for the Dean’s List. Students on the Dean’s   student of the decision.
        be excluded from computing the CGPA.         List will receive a certificate of recognition.          The entire process should be concluded before the end of
                                                                                                              the semester during which the appeal form was submitted.
        Mid-Semester Advisory Grades                 Grade Appeals

        By the end of the seventh week of classes, during each   Students have the right to appeal their final grade in a   Double Major
        academic semester, mid-semester advisory grades will be   course during the period announced by the Office of the   Any undergraduate student may declare and complete
        submitted by instructors of all undergraduate courses.   Registrar. The following is the Grade Appeal Procedure to   two undergraduate majors, with the understanding that
        Valid mid-semester advisory grade entries will include A,   be followed by the students:              the student receives one baccalaureate degree upon
        B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, F, and P. Grade reports for all students                                         graduation. In situations where a student completes
        will be  made available  to the  students  and the advisors   Consultation:                           majors  under  two  different  degrees  (e.g.,  B.A.  and  B.S.),
        of the students. The University will use the mid-semester                                             the student must declare the degree he or she wishes
        advisory  grades  to  identify  “at-risk”  students  and  take   In an attempt to resolve a grade appeal, the student must   to receive upon graduation at the time when the second
        remedial action.                             first meet with the following individuals, in the order listed,   major  is  declared.  Students  who  wish  to  complete  two
                                                     to discuss the matter:

        Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Handbook 2023 - 2024                                             Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Handbook 2023 - 2024
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