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        Transcript – A certified copy of a student’s educational   print out their own schedule cards. If a section is full,   Dropping Summer/Winter Credit   d.  Disciplinary suspension for violation of the Student
        record.                                         another selection will need to be made in consultation                                                Code of Conduct;
                                                        with the Academic Advisor. Once the schedule card     Courses
        Withdrawal – An administrative procedure of dropping a   is finalized, tuition fees are to be paid either online,                                  e.  Disruptive behavior determined by the faculty member,
        course or leaving a university.                 through bank transfer or in person at the Finance     •   Students dropping courses within the first two days of   Dean and Registrar (and if required, a disciplinary
        Non-refundable application fee (online payment).  Department.                                             the calendar days of the Winter/Summer semester will   committee) if found to be detrimental to the progress
                                                                                                                                                              of the course and the education of students;
                                                                                                                  receive a 100% refund of the tuition fee.
        Once an application and the required documents are                                                                                                 f.     Exceeding the allowable number of absences from a
        submitted, a response will be provided no later than one  Add/Drop Course Regulations                 •   Students dropping courses in the third and fourth   course for a given semester;
        week from the date the application was received.                                                          calendar  days  of  the  Winter/Summer semester  will
                                                     A student is allowed to add/drop one or more courses         receive 75% refund of the tuition fee.   In such cases, a   g.   Exceeding  the allowable  number of credit  courses
                                                     during the first week of the regular semester and during     “Withdrawal without Penalty” (W) grade will be entered   stipulated on course load policy.
        Registration                                 first two days of the Winter/Summer term. A student may      in their records.
                                                     withdraw one or more courses during the tenth week of the
        Students will register during the online registration period   semester. In such cases, the “W” grade reflects the student’s   •   Students dropping courses in the first and second   Withdrawal from the University
        that is announced every semester by the Office of the   voluntary Withdrawal from the course. This grade is not   days of the next calendar week of the Winter/Summer
        Registrar.                                   computed in the student’s GPA but determines student’s       semester will receive a 50% refund of tuition fees. In   Students who wish to leave Abu Dhabi University before
                                                                                                                  such cases, a (W) grade will be entered in their records.
        •   Registered students may add/drop courses prior to   progress towards completion of the college requirements.                                   graduation must complete a University Withdrawal
                                                                                                                                                           Application Form obtainable from the university website or
            the first day and during the first calendar week of the   If the student does not officially withdraw from courses   •   Students dropping courses after the two days of   from the Office of the Registrar.  Official withdrawal will be
            semester and during the first two days of the Winter/   during these specified periods, he/she is considered   the second week will receive no refund, and will be   granted after completion of the clearance procedure.
            Summer term. A full refund will be given for courses   registered for the courses and is held accountable for   awarded a (W) grade for that course.
            dropped by students during this period.  completing them.                                         •   If students do not withdraw from courses during these   A “W” grade will appear against all courses taken by the
        •   Late registration should be completed within the first   Dropping Fall/Spring Credit                  specified periods, they will be considered as being   student on the semester he/she withdraws from Abu Dhabi
            calendar week after the semester registration period                                                  registered for the courses and be held accountable.
            is over.                                 Courses                                                  •   A 100% refund of tuition fees will be given for courses
        •   A late registration fee will be charged for students   •   Students  dropping  courses  within  the  first  calendar   cancelled by Abu Dhabi University.  Re-Enrollment
            registering courses after the add/drop period.  week of the Fall/Spring semester will receive a 100%                                           Students falling under below categories may apply for re-
        •   Students wishing to continue their studies at Abu   refund of the tuition fee.                    Administrative Drops                         enrollment at Abu Dhabi University:
            Dhabi University but who fail to pay the prescribed   •   Students  dropping  courses  in  the  second  calendar                               a.  A former Abu Dhabi University student in good
            fees on or before the published payment deadline, will   week of the Fall/Spring semester will receive 75%   Abu Dhabi University officials in the Office of the Registrar   academic standing, whose enrolment at ADU has
            be considered to have been dropped from courses   refund of the tuition fee. In such cases, a “Withdrawal   or the Dean’s Office may initiate an administrative drop.   been voluntarily or involuntarily interrupted (such
            which they are registered.                   without Penalty” (W) grade will be entered in their   A student may be administratively dropped from one or   as Financial issues,  Medical conditions, work related
                                                                                                              more classes (or withdrawn from all classes) for any of the
        •   Students may seek to defer their registration by   records.                                       following reasons:                              issues  etc),    for  more  than  one  semester  (excluding
            applying in writing to the Registrar. This should be   •   Students dropping courses in the third calendar week                                   summer/winter  terms).  Those  semesters  include  the
            done at least one week before the specified date of   of the Fall/Spring semester will receive a 50% refund   a.  Failure to meet certain preconditions, including but not   semesters from which the student has withdrawn with
            registration. Fees for late registration will be charged   of tuition fees. In such cases, a (W) grade will be   limited to:                      the approval of the concerned Dean.
            and students will be required to register on, or before   entered in their records.                 •   failure to pay tuition and fees by designated   b.  Former Abu Dhabi University students who formally
            the deferred registration date.                                                                         deadlines;                                withdrew from the university by filling-out a Withdrawal
                                                     •   Students dropping courses after the third week of the
        •   Students will only be permitted to sit for examinations   Fall/Spring semester will receive no refund, and will be   •   class cancellations;     Request Form.
            and receive grades if they are registered for the   awarded a (W) grade for that course.                                                       Those students must petition the Office of the Registrar
            courses and have settled their fees in full.                                                        •   failure to meet course prerequisites;  in writing for re-enrollment to the University. Students are
                                                     •   If students do not withdraw from courses during these
                                                         specified periods, they will be considered as being    •   failure to meet the specific academic requirements   encouraged  to begin the re-enrollment  process  at least
        Registration Procedures                          registered for the courses and be held accountable.        of the degree program;                 two months prior to the beginning of the semester stating
                                                                                                                                                           the following:
        Students  must  register  online  at the  beginning  of  each   •   A 100% refund of tuition fees will be given for courses   •   failure of comprehensive or preliminary   1.   Reasons for leaving Abu Dhabi University and reasons
        semester. Registration procedures are as follows:  cancelled by Abu Dhabi University.                       examinations                               for returning
        a.  Before students meet with their Academic Advisor,                                                 b.  When the safety of the student, faculty member, or   2.   Current contact information
           they should identify the list of courses they should take                                             other students in a course would be jeopardized;
           in each semester to satisfy the requirements of the                                                c.  Academic suspension, including but not limited to,   3.   Medical report for students who withdrew from
           program of study leading to their degree.                                                             failure to attain or maintain a required grade point   Abu Dhabi University for reasons of illness.
        b.  Students register online at and then                                                   average (GPA) of 2.0 after being placed on Academic   4.   Clearance from the Finance Department at
                                                                                                                 Probation;                                    Abu Dhabi University.

        Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Handbook 2023 - 2024                                             Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Handbook 2023 - 2024
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