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        Current Abu Dhabi University                 Bachelor of Science in Information Technology with
                                                     Concentration in Game Development
        Undergraduate Programs                       Bachelor of Science in Interior Design

        The following list includes the undergraduate academic   Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
        programs that are accredited by the CAA and are currently   Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with
        being offered:                               Concentration in Industrial Mechatronics
                                                     Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with
        College of Arts and Sciences                 Concentration in Metallurgy
        Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication (Concentrations   Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering
        in Media Production, Broadcasting & Strategic
        Communication)                               Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity Engineering
                                                     Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering                                 Vision
        Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication (Arabic)
        (Concentrations in PR and Advertisement & Radio and   Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering
        Television)                                  Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering with                              Abu Dhabi University will be a leading university in the MENA region, providing graduates
                                                                                                                                   with the knowledge, skills, and mindset to become leaders of tomorrow, and engaging in
                                                     Concentration in Big Data Analytics                                           research and innovation that make a difference to society.
        College of Business
                                                     Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering with
        Bachelor of Business Administration          Concentration in Web and Mobile Applications
        Bachelor of Business Administration with Concentration in   Development
        Bachelor of Business Administration with Concentration in   College of Health Sciences                                     Mission
        Finance                                      Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences - Laboratory
        Bachelor of Business Administration with Concentration in   Medicine
        Human Resources Management                   Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health and Safety                        We aim to transform society through:
        Bachelor of Business Administration with Concentration in   Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
        Management                                   Bachelor of Science in Molecular and Medical Genetics                         •       preparing graduates for dynamic careers through life-changing, technology-enhanced,
        Bachelor of Business Administration with Concentration in   Bachelor of Science in Public Health                                   internationally accredited, world-class education;
        Digital Marketing Communications                                                                                           •       research and innovation that enhance academic disciplines and contribute to societal
        Bachelor of Business Administration with Concentration in   College of Law                                                         development and economic growth; and
        Entrepreneurship and Innovation
                                                     Bachelor of Law in Arabic                                                     •       mutually beneficial collaboration with our stakeholder communities.
        College of Engineering
        Bachelor of Architecture
        Bachelor of Science in Aviation
        Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering                                                                                Values
        Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering with
        Concentration in Water Technology
        Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering                                                                                   Integrity
                                                                                                                                   We uphold the highest moral and ethical standards in all that we do.
        Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
        Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering with                                                                           Excellence
        Concentration in Artificial Intelligence                                                                                   We hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards of performance.
        Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering                                                                              Innovation
        Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering with                                                                         We inspire creativity, encouraging innovation to enhance the student experience and
        Concentration in Robotics and Automation                                                                                   maintain global relevance.
        Bachelor of Science in Information Technology                                                                              Diversity
        Bachelor of Science in Information Technology with                                                                         We celebrate and respect our diversity and build lasting relationships to achieve our shared
        Concentration in Cybersecurity                                                                                             ambitions.

        Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Handbook 2023 - 2024                                             Abu Dhabi University | Undergraduate Handbook 2023 - 2024
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